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A Zimbabwe bank note - AFP - Thu 01 Jan, 08:14 PM
A Zimbabwe bank note. Zimbabwe's economy is now virtually based on foreign exchange, a state daily said Thursday, with fewer goods and services available in the local dollar which is rapidly losing its worth because of galloping inflation,

The dollar remains under pressure from reports of a record plunge in US house prices - AFP - Wed 31 Dec, 12:22 PM
A currency exchange booth in London. The euro rose against the dollar and remained close to parity versus sterling on Wednesday, the final trading day of 2008.

The ruble has lost nearly 20 percent of its value against the dollar since August - AFP - Fri 26 Dec, 02:06 PM
File picture shows a woman leaving a currency exchange office in Moscow. The Russian ruble dropped to a three-year low against the dollar on Friday, as a senior central bank official dismissed rumours of a sharp New Year's Eve devaluation as "complete nonsense."

DIARY - Day ahead in the FX and debt markets - AFX - Thu 25 Dec, 12:09 AM
This diary is a summary of key events likely to affect trading in the Forex and debt markets.

Russia Medvedev calls for more rouble flexibility - AFX - Wed 24 Dec, 04:31 PM
MOSCOW, Dec 24 (Reuters) - Russia's president Dmitry Medvedev said the rouble exchange rate will become more flexible but ruled out a free float, saying the currency will fluctuate within a band.

FACTBOX-Key moves in Russian rouble exchange rate - AFX - Wed 24 Dec, 09:46 AM
MOSCOW, Dec 24 (Reuters) - The Russian central bank widened the rouble trading band for the seventh time in December on Wednesday, and for the 10th time since it embarked on a path of controlled currency devaluation in mid-November.

HIGHLIGHTS-ECB's Trichet comments in Paris - AFX - Tue 23 Dec, 08:05 PM
PARIS, Dec 23 (Reuters) - Following are comments made by European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet at a speech at a conference organised by Institut Montaigne, an independent think tank, in Paris on Tuesday.

INDICATORS - Bulgaria - Updated Dec 23 - AFX - Tue 23 Dec, 01:11 PM
(Updates with end-October gross foreign debt) New items are marked by asterisk (*) -------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Q3/08 Q2/08 9-MO/08 Q3/07 9-MO/07 y/y pct chng +6.8 +7.1 +7.0 +4.9 +5.9 bln levs 18.61 15.94 48.04 15.74 40.17 ------------------------------------------------------------- BULGARIAN CONSUMER PRICES NOV/08 OCT/08 NOV/07 m/m pct change -0.1 +0.5 +1.6 y/y pct change +9.1 +10.9 +12.6 ------------------------------------------------------------- EU HARMONISED PRICE INFLATION NOV/08 OCT/08 NOV/07 m/m pct change -0.4 +0.1 +1.8 y/y pct change +8.8 +11.2 +11.4 -------------------------------------------------------------- UNEMPLOYMENT RATE NOV/08 OCT/08 NOV/07 monthly total 216,842 216,644 245,275 pct of workforce 5.85 5.85 6.62 ------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCER PRICE INFLATION OCT/08 SEPT/08 OCT/07 m/m pct change -0.8 -1.0 +1.4 y/y pct change +10.1 +12.6 +11.3 -------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT OCT/08 SEPT/08 (revised) OCT/07 m/m pct change +0.6 +8.5 +4.9 y/y pct change -1.9 +2.5 +11.3 -------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL SALES OCT/08 SEPT/08(revised) OCT/07 m/m pct change -3.4 +11.0 +4.8 y/y pct change -5.0 +3.3 +11.3 -------------------------------------------------------------- * GROSS FOREIGN DEBT (in million euros) END-OCT/08 END-SEPT/07 END-OCT/07 (revised) GROSS FOREIGN DEBT 36,424.3 35,812.1 26,673.8 LONG-TERM DEBT 22,553.0 22,377.6 18,099.8 SHORT-TERM DEBT 13,871.3 13,434.5 9,433.4 PUBLIC DEBT&STATE GUARANTEED LOANS 4,209.5 4,053.4 4,104.7 PRIVATE FOREIGN DEBT 32,214.8 31,758.7 22,569.1 PUBLIC FOREIGN DEBT 2,845.0 2,728.9 3,158.4 COMMERCIAL BANKS DEBT 9,263.8 8,948.0 4,762.1 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CORPORATE DEBT 11,995.2 11,868.9 9,319.9 FDI: INTER-FIRM DEBT 12,320.3 12,266.3 9,433.4 FOREIGN DEBT/PCT OF GDP 107.1 105.3 92.3 DEBT SERVICE/PCT OF GDP 16.6 15.5 19.2 SHORT-TERM/TOTAL DEBT (PCT) 38.1 37.5 32.1 ------------------------------------------------------------ BALANCE OF PAYMENTS (in million euros) OCT/08 JAN-OCT/08 JAN-OCT/07 CURRENT ACCOUNT -1,064.2 -6,588.8 -4,610.3 TRADE BALANCE -948.7 -7,400.4 -5,688.8 exports, FOB 1,276.9 13,241.3 11,134.5 imports, FOB -2,225.7 -20,641.7 -16,823.3 SERVICES, net -44.5 1,177.2 1,194.6 INCOME, net -38.3 -874.3 -361.6 TRANSFERS, net change -32.7 508.7 245.5 FINANCIAL ACCOUNT* 471.5 9,946.5 8,880.9 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT 245.4 4,867.8 5,364.2 COUNTRY'S ASSETS INVESTED ABROAD, net chng** -231.2 300.9 282.4 BNB FOREX RESERVES, net** 534.4 -2,185.6 -3,075.4 IMF LOANS, net change 0.0 0.0 -255.3 LOANS FROM OTHER LENDERS net change 0.0 0.0 0.0 OVERALL BALANCE -534.4 2,185.6 3,075.4 C/A DEFICIT AS PCT/GDP n.a 19.4 16.0 NOTES:(*) The financial account includes direct and portfolio investment flows plus foreign loans to government structures and the private sector less balance of payments support, which is part of foreign exchange reserves. (**) A minus sign in the entry denotes an increase, while a plus sign denotes a decrease. --------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENCY BOARD FIXED EXCHANGE RATE 1.95583 levs per euro from July 5, 1999 CENTRAL BANK DAILY LEV/DOLLAR REFERENCE EXCHANGE RATES USED FOR STATISTICAL AND ACCOUNTING PURPOSES --------------------------------------------------------------- * The Finance ministry has made the following forecasts for major economic indicators for 2009 and 2008. The projections are subject to revision. 2007 indicators had been announced by the statistics office, the central bank and the finance ministry: 2009 2008 2007 Budget balance, (pct/GDP) +3.0 +3.5 +3.7 GDP real growth, pct +4.7 +6.5 +6.2 GDP bln levs 72.230 64.929 56.520 EU HARMONISED CPI (end-year) +5.4 +9.8 +11.6 EU HARMONISED CPI (average) +6.7 +12.4 +7.6 Current account deficit (pct/GDP) 22.2 24.0 21.8 FDI (bln euro) 5.37 6.13 6.52 -------------------------------------------------------------- To access the following types of news and information on the Reuter Terminal, use the mouse to click on the codes in brackets.

South Korea's woes saw Seoul lose three percent on Tuesday - AFP - Tue 23 Dec, 10:14 AM
A currency trader walks past signs showing South Korea's benchmark stock index (left) and the won-dollar exchange rate in a dealing room at the Korea Exchange Bank in Seoul, December 15. South Korea's woes saw Seoul lose three percent on Tuesday.

Demand rises in ECB's latest Swiss franc FX swap - AFX - Mon 22 Dec, 11:27 AM
LONDON, Dec 22 (Reuters) - Demand in the ECB's latest Swiss francs foreign exchange swap rose on Monday, as banks changed 11.587 billion euros into the Swiss currency.

A member of the public walks past a currency exchange booth in London 11:11 AM [ AFP ]
Aussie in tight range against US$, firm against yen 02:04 AM [ AFX ]
MONEY MARKETS-Dollar Libor rate falls after BOJ rate cut 03:33 PM [ AFX ]
MONEY MARKETS-Dollar Libor rate seen falling at fixing 11:36 AM [ AFX ]
A currency exchange worker holds a handful of euro notes 09:23 AM [ AFP ]

TOPWRAP 8-Dismal economy sinks oil, US mulls auto bankruptcy 11:24 PM [ AFX ]
TOPWRAP 7-Crumbling world economy takes oil even lower 07:19 PM [ AFX ]
TOPWRAP 6-Europe posts dismal data, zero rate idea spreads 05:18 PM [ AFX ]
Ukraine cbank reserves up due to Euro FX move 04:23 PM [ AFX ]
Record UK govt borrowing adds to sterling pressures 03:15 PM [ AFX ]

MONEY MARKETS-Dollar interbank rates at multi-yr lows 03:10 PM [ AFX ]
TOPWRAP 5-European data grisly, c.bankers eye zero rates 02:03 PM [ AFX ]
Broker snap: Dairy Crest covenants look safe 01:03 PM [ ShareCast]
Brazil says sold $9.8 bln in spot forex mkt 12:56 PM [ AFX ]
BRIEF-Sistema Q3 net profit falls 59 pct, beats f'cast 12:16 PM [ AFX ]

Sterling takes euro hammering 11:50 AM [ ShareCast]
INDICATORS - Bulgaria - Updated Dec 18 11:40 AM [ AFX ]
BoE says drains 81.57 bln stg in 7-day funds 10:28 AM [ AFX ]
TABLE-UK broad M4 money supply +16.3 pct yy in Nov 09:52 AM [ AFX ]
BoE offers to drain 89.316 bln stg, maturing Dec 24 09:24 AM [ AFX ]

Philippine says exchange rate more stable now 09:05 AM [ AFX ]
File picture shows a woman leaving a currency exchange office in Moscow 08:29 AM [ AFP ]
The Japanese currency has soared to a 13-year high against the dollar 07:47 AM [ AFP ]
The British economy is teetering on the brink of a recession 06:03 PM [ AFP ]
Dlr Libor rates fall, spreads narrow after Fed cut 11:51 AM [ AFX ]

Indonesia hires Barclays, UBS for debt plan -source 10:49 AM [ AFX ]
BoE allots $120 mln in 10-day dlr repo 10:22 AM [ AFX ]
BoE sets fixed rate of 1.17 pct on 10-day dlr repo 09:06 AM [ AFX ]
HSBC says maintains its prime rate at 5 pct 06:51 AM [ AFX ]
Currency traders work in a dealing room at the Korea Exchange Bank in Seoul 10:25 PM [ AFP ]

Two-week dlr Libor rates jump; spreads narrower 12:51 PM [ AFX ]
BoE invites bids for 20 bln stg 3-mnth repo 10:25 AM [ AFX ]
BoE allocates $9.97 bln dollars in 28-day repo 10:21 AM [ AFX ]
BoE sets minimum bid repo rates 10:13 AM [ AFX ]
BoE sets fixed rate of 1.28 pct on 28-day dlr repo 08:32 AM [ AFX ]

BoE says offers unlimited dollars in 28-day repo 08:04 AM [ AFX ]
UK PM's spokesman-FX rates are volatile 04:47 PM [ AFX ]
Pound sinks to new low vs euro 04:25 PM [ ShareCast]
INDICATORS - Bulgaria - Updated Dec 15 12:37 PM [ AFX ]
Senior UK minister stays mum on sterling slide 02:34 PM [ AFX ]



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