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Introduction to Project Appraisal & Financing

This area of the EETIC web site describes the key aspects of project appraisal and financing in the energy sector. It provides tools and methods to help users analyse the technical and financial potential for potential investments and to determine how to seek financing.

Project and technology ideas in the energy sector arise from many sources but important tools are:

  • GREENTIE Directory - searchable database containing information on 6,000 suppliers of greenhouse gas mitigating suppliers and technologies;
  • CADDET InfoStore - information on energy efficiency and renewable energy projects

Once potential investment projects have been identified a set of key questions must be addressed to decide on the most promising options and to seek ways of financing projects. These questions are set out below and further guidance is given in the links:

With the Kyoto mechanisms in place, new projects which mitigate greenhouse gas emissions may be eligible for Joint Implementation or the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). To find out more about how to investigate the potential and take forward suitable projects, see Estimation and verification of greenhouse gas mitigation will be a key part of the CDM process; we have provided a separate page of links to methods of estimating carbon dioxide emissions.

The Sustainable Energy Finance Directory is a comprehensive online databse of lenders and investors active in the renewable energy and energy efficieny sectors and can be found at:




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