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What is the GREENTIE Project Broker? What is the GREENTIE Project Broker?
What information do I need to enter? What information do I need to enter?
Home | Project Broker
Project Broker

The Project Broker facility was designed to help you locate suppliers in the GREENTIE Directory that can help you meet your specific energy project development needs.

Using the Project Broker is as easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Use the search and solution facilities to identify the suppliers most suited to your project needs.
  2. Describe the project you are planning
  3. Submit your details to your selected suppliers

The suppliers will then evaluate your request and decide whether they are in a position to respond to your needs. Please note that no information will be sent to suppliers until you authorise this at the end of the process.

Please only use this facility if you are serious about investing in greenhouse gas mitigating technology and are willing to be contacted by the companies to which your request is submitted.

Important: before you begin the process, GREENTIE strongly recommends that you download the Introduction to the Project Broker PDF and learn about the information that you will be required to submit during the process.

GREENTIE can now no longer guarantee that the information presented in the Directory are current. From April 2005, support for this service is no longer available.

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