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IEA Programmes and non-technology Links  
  • IEA Demand Side Management Programme

  • The International Energy Agency (IEA)
    The IEA is the energy forum for 26 Member countries. IEA Member governments are committed to taking joint measures to meet oil supply emergencies. They have also agreed to share energy information, to co-ordinate their energy policies and to co-operate in the development of rational energy programmes.

  • IEA Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE), USA
    ETDE, through its member countries, provides an extensive bibliographic database announcing published energy research and technology information. As an IEA Implementing Agreement, ETDE has four objectives regarding topics in energy research and technology.

  • IEA Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre, Belgium

  • IEA International Centre for Gas Technology Information, Horsholm, Denmark

  • UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
    The DTI's aim is to increase UK competitiveness and scientific excellence in order to generate higher levels of sustainable growth and productivity in a modern economy. The activities and resources are listed on the site.

  • UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR)
    The DETR encourages and funds science, engineering and technology in pursuit of its policy objectives. Details of the programmes and activities are listed on the site.

  • PREDAC (European Actions for Renewable energies)
    PREDAC (European Actions for Renewable energies) is a project funded by the Energie programme of the European Union's 5th Framework Programme. The PREDAC consortium is made up of 23 organisations from 10 European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom). It aims to make use of European know-how as a basis to remove some of the barriers in the development of renewable energy and rational use of energy. This project relies on the dissemination of experience gained by those European countries that have progressed furthest in these fields.

  • The Atmosphere, Climate & Environment Information Programme
    The Atmosphere, Climate & Environment Information Programme is supported by the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to disseminate information, without advocacy or bias, on the causes, effects of and controls on air pollution and climate change, within the framework of national legislation and international discussion. The website provides acccess to the Programme's range of school resources, online encyclopedias and newsletters, and is an ideal resource for Key Stage 3-4 of the National Curriculum and A-level (K12 in the US), as well as for more general information concerning atmospheric issues.

    An international directory of suppliers whose technologies help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. GREENTIE also provides information on funding and on leading international organisations and IEA programmes whose RD&D and information activities centre around clean energy technologies.

  • IEA Renewable Energy Sites
    The IEA brings together policy-makers and experts from Member countries to discuss common energy technology issues, to undertake studies and to organise workshops which assist Members with technology policy development. They provide a framework for more than 40 international collaborative energy research, development and demonstration projects known as Implementing Agreements.

  • IEA - Bioenergy
    IEA Bioenergy aims to accelerate the use of environmentally sound and cost competitive bioenergy on a sustainable basis, and thereby achieve a substantial contribution to future energy demands.

  • IEA - Geothermal
    In some areas of the world with high grade resources, geothermal energy is already making a useful contribution to energy supplies. There are huge potentially available resources of geothermal energy, much of it in the form hot dry rocks within the earth, which could potentially be harnessed to both make a large contribution to global energy supplies and to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

  • IEA - Hydrogen Production and Utilisation
    Today, hydrogen is primarily used as a chemical feedstock in the petrochemical, food, electronics, and metallurgical processing industries, but is rapidly emerging as a major component of clean sustainable energy systems. It is relevant to all the energy sectors—transportation, buildings, utilities, and industry. Hydrogen can provide storage options for intermittent renewable technologies such as solar and wind and, when combined with emerging decarbonization technologies, can reduce the climate impacts of continued fossil fuel utilization.

  • IEA - Hydropower
    The IEA Hydropower Agreement is a working group of governments and industry which intends to provide objective, balanced information about the advantages and disadvantages of hydropower. On this web-site you can find information about the positive and negative social and environmental effects of hydropower, about hydropower in general, and about the IEA Hydropower Agreement.

  • IEA - Photovoltaic Power Systems
    The Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme is one of the collaborative R&D Agreements established within the International Energy Agency. The participants are conducting a variety of joint projects in the application of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy into electricity, so-called solar photovoltaic electricity. We operate worldwide via a network of national teams in member countries. The website aims to inform about the results of the PVPS programme and gives information about publications and papers.

  • IEA - Solar Heating and Cooling
    Information about each of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme Tasks.

  • IEA - Solar Thermal Power and Chemical Energy Systems (SolarPACES)
    An international cooperative organization bringing together teams of national experts from around the world to focus on the development and marketing of concentrating solar power systems (also known as solar thermal power systems). It is one of a number of collaborative programs managed under the umbrella of the International Energy Agency to help find solutions to worldwide energy problems.

  • IEA - Wind Turbine Systems
    Implementing Agreement for Co-operation in the Research and Development of Wind Turbine Systems.

  • IEA Coal Research - The Clean Coal Centre (IEACR)
    A provider of information on efficient coal supply and use, IEA Coal Research - The Clean Coal Centre enhances innovation and continued development of coal as a clean source of energy. This is achieved by gathering, assessing and distributing knowledge on the energy efficient and environmentally sustainable use of coal.

  • International Centre for Gas Technology Information (ICGTI)
    Whether your principal interest is production, transmission or end-use, ICGTI participation gives you immediate access to the newest gas technologies in the world so that your gas market needs are met cost effectively and conveniently.

  • The Implementing Agreement on Buildings and Community Systems includes the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre
    In recognition of the significant impact of ventilation on energy use, combined with concerns over indoor air quality, the International Energy Agency (IEA) inaugurated the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre in 1979 (To be more precise, the AIVC is one of the annexes running under the ECBCS, Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems, one of the Implementing Agreements of the IEA). The role of the centre is to provide technical support to those involved in the research and development of ventilation technology as well as to ensure the widest dissemination of information on related energy and air quality issues.

  • IEA Heat Pump Centre
    The International Energy Agency's information centre for heat pumping technologies, applications and markets. The HPC operates worldwide via a network of national teams in its member countries. The HPC is the IEA Information Centre at the heart of the IEA Heat Pump Programme (HPP).

  • IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme
    The IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEA GHG) is an international collaboration which aims to Identify and evaluate technologies for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases arising from use of fossil fuels; Disseminate the results of these studies; Identify targets for research, development and demonstration and promote the appropriate work.

  • IEA - DSM Programme
    'Promoting Energy Efficiency and Demand-Side Management for global sustainable development and for business opportunities'

    the European Commission Website for Renewable Energy Sources - This site is designed to be the European information centre and knowledge gateway for renewable energy, helping to promote the European Union's strategy to achieve 12% of RES by 2010.

  • Alternative Technology Association
    A grass roots organisation promoting EE/RE ideas to the domestic,alternative and small business markets.

    The ATLAS Project is a major initiative aimed at establishing an information base to support energy Research and Technological Development (RTD) strategy, which has been undertaken by the European Network of Energy Agencies (EnR) on behalf of Directorate General XVII of the European Commission.

  • Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Renewable Energy
    Murdoch University site (Perth, Western Australia). ACRE brings together research capabilities and market knowledge for the commercialisation of renewable energy systems.

  • Australian Greenhouse Office
    The organisation within the Australian Government that promotes and legislates on greenhouse issues.

  • Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment
    The Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment is a one-stop source of information for all ages on a range of atmospheric issues including weather, climate, air pollution, acid rain, global warming and ozone depletion.

  • EuroREX
    EuroREX is devoted to the promotion of renewable energy in Europe. EuroREX provides commercial, investment, export, country and technology information with up-to-date news on sustainable and alternative energy developments in Europe and the rest of the world.

  • European Financial Guide for Renewable Energy
    European Financial Guide for Renewable Energy - Focus on Biomass. This guide offers extensive information on subsidy schemes, low-interest credit possibilities, pay-back arrangements, fiscal incentives, feed-in regulations, set-aside regulations and adresses of public and private investment funds. This project was financed by the European Commission under the Altener programme.

  • European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources
    EUFORES - is an independent, non-profit making organisation that aims to promote the use of renewable energy

  • Green Energy News
    Green Energy News is a free access information source for news relating to clean, efficient and renewable energy, its applications, technology and relevant issues.

  • Iowa Energy Center
    The Center is a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving Iowa's energy efficiency and use of renewable energy.

  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
    USA's leading center for renewable energy research, NREL is developing new energy technologies to benefit both the environment and the economy. This site includes a useful section on the fundamentals of renewable energy.

    The objective of PRESSEA is to collect and disseminate information that is of high importance to the public and private sector involved in renewable energy in South East Asia (SEA) and the European Union. It also seeks to establish a renewable energy information network that facilitates information exchange between potential partners in the development, promotion, and utilisation of renewable energy sources and technologies. PRESSEA provides a platform for project opportunities and people in ASEAN and EU "to meet and match".

  • Refocus Magazine
    The International Renewable Energy Magazine.

  • Regional Institute of Environmental Technology (RIET)
    RIET is a regional not-for-profit organisation facilitating environmental business in Asia and matching the Asian demand for environmental best practices with the economic co-operation interest of the most advanced countries.

  • SAGE (Sustainability Action Group Exchange)
    A UK organisation set-up to disseminate information about sustainability.

  • The Solutions Site
    Presents readily accessible peer-reviewed answers to problems in environment, health, population and development from which others can benefit and are benefiting.

  • United Nations Environment Programme/International Environmental Technology Centre
    IETC's main role is to promote the application of Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs) to address urban environmental problems, such as sewage, air pollution, solid waste and noise, and the management of freshwater resources to developing countries and countries with economies in transition. The Centre serves as a proactive inter-mediator for cooperation between sources and users of ESTs.

  • WIRE
    WIRE is an ambitious collaborative led by the International Solar Energy Society which offers documents, news, and a wealth of links and discussion forums about renewable energy issues, all with an international focus. WIRE also allows interested parties to contribute by sending links or announcements for publication.

  • Environment Daily
    A daily news briefing on policy, regulation, government, and a host of other issues designed for professionals interested in environmental affairs

  • Best Practice. Successful environmental activities in the Swedish business sector
    The environment has become an important strategic issue for many Swedish companies. Resulting company initiated environmental activities are increasingly common, leading to more environmentally sound operations, often accompanied by lower expenditures and greater profitability. The Swedish Association of Environmental Managers and the Federation of Swedish Industries have created the Best Practice Project and Website to highlight successful environmental projects and activities.

Technology Links  
Advanced technologies
  • CO2 Reduction Calculator

    This calculator estimates the time and cost required to phase out CO2 production with a range of renewable energy technologies and carbon sinks.

  • Carbon Dioxide Calculator

    This CO2 calculator, based on the ChoCO2 studies of GEIC (the Global Environment Information Centre in Tokyo), calculates CO2 emissions from everyday Japanese electrical appliances and automobiles based on energy consumption figures. By marking the appliances you use and filling out the required information, you can get a quick idea of how you can impact on the environment through your lifestyle.

  • Energy to Carbon Dioxide Converter from National Energy Foundation

    This web page includes a simple calculator that should help in calculating your own CO2 emissions. All figures apply to the UK and are based upon official Government figures from the Department of the Environment, Transport & the Regions.

  • New WRI website asks how big is your CO2 footprint

    Visitors to can use the site's calculator to estimate their carbon dioxide emissions from energy and transportation use. It also offers a set of voluntary actions they can take to reduce their emissions like purchasing climate-friendly products on-line, signing up for green energy, and making easy lifestyle changes such as properly maintaining appliances for maximum energy efficiency.

  • U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)

    US Department of Energy's major site, which includes activities related to Superconductivity for Electric Systems.

  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

    The Canadian Government\'s Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food promotes the development, adaptation and competitiveness of this sector through policies, programmes and services. A \'one-stop\' electronic information service (ACEIS) at this address provides up-to-date information across the agriculture sector.

  • Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO)

    Performs applied R&D in energy.

Agricultural Waste

    is a network of professionals working in anaerobic digestion of agro-industrial wastes in Europe and Canada. Its prime motive is to enable exchange of information and experience and to disseminate this information to relevant organisations, such as potential users and developers.

  • Biomasster

    gives an overview of activities in the Netherlands in the area of bio-energy. Attention is given to the policy of bio-energy, to institutes and projects which deal with research and development of bio-energy, and to the implementation projects in the Netherlands.

  • British Association for Biofuels and Oils

    BABFO is an organisation dedicated to the promotion of transport fuels and oils from renewable sources. Biodiesel and Ethanol are the two key fuels. Membership of BABFO is drawn from a wide range of industry, including engineers, fuel companies, fuel users, farmers, agricultural merchants and environmentalists.

Combined heat & power
  • U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)

    US Department of Energy's major site, which includes programmes and activities related to Utilities.

  • Combined Heat and Power

    At this site you can find information related to Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and District Heating and Cooling (DHC). The site is published by Euroheat & Power and is done in cooperation with several European DHC associations. The site is funded by EU Save Program.

  • Euroheat & Power

    Euroheat & Power works for energy supply in balance with ecology, promoting the advantages of CHP/DH in general and the use of waste heat and renewable energies to preserve primary energies in particular, and pursues international measures to enhance innovation and the further development of the sector.

Combined renewable energy technologies
  • U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)

    Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network -U.S. Department of Energy site for renewable and energy efficient technologies.

  • U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) - Consumer Guide to Renewable Energy for Your Home or Business

    This new Web site on EREN shows consumers how they can buy electricity made from renewable sources in their state, evaluate the environmental benefits of clean power, and learn how clean power is generated. In addition, the site helps visitors decide if owning a renewable energy system is right for them by helping to evaluate the available technologies, teaching about connecting to the grid and sizing a system, and presenting the available incentives. A special section on powering a home or small business with a small wind system is also included. The site is provided by DOE\'s Office of Power Technologies.

  • IEA Greenhouse Gas Technology Information Exchange (GREENTIE)

    GREENTIE is a sister programme to CADDET. Its website provides an international Directory of suppliers whose technologies and services help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  • PREDAC (European Actions for Renewable Energies)

    PREDAC (European Actions for Renewable energies) is a project funded by the Energie programme of the European Union's 5th Framework Programme. The PREDAC consortium is made up of 23 organisations from 10 European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom). It aims to make use of European know-how as a basis to remove some of the barriers in the development of renewable energy and rational use of energy. This project relies on the dissemination of experience gained by those European countries that have progressed furthest in these fields.

  • The Atmosphere, Climate & Environment Information Programme

    The Atmosphere, Climate & Environment Information Programme is supported by the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to disseminate information, without advocacy or bias, on the causes, effects of and controls on air pollution and climate change, within the framework of national legislation and international discussion. The website provides acccess to the Programme\\\'s range of school resources, online encyclopedias and newsletters, and is an ideal resource for Key Stage 3-4 of the National Curriculum and A-level (K12 in the US), as well as for more general information concerning atmospheric issues.

  • Dealing With Climate Change

    "Dealing with Climate Change", offers a searchable access to information on energy-related policies and measures taken or planned in IEA Member countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It contains over 800 records collected over four years (1999 - 2002).

  • Renewable Energy

    "Renewable Energy Policies and Measures in IEA Countries" offers a detailed reference to more than 120 legislative acts that support the development and market uptake of renewable energy sources.

  • The Canadian Association for Renewable Energies

    The canadian association for renewable energies, but it has some material on energy efficiency as a precursor to renewables

  • PREDAC (European Action For Renewable Energies)

    PREDAC (European Action For Renewable Energies) is a project which aims at promoting local development of renewable energies and energy efficiency in Europe. This is achieved by the action of 11 thematic working groups (called WP). Those WP are focused on different themes concerning wind power energy, biomass energy, energy efficiency as well as hydropower and photovoltaic energy. PREDAC is coordinated by CLER (Comité de Liaison Energies Renouvelables) and is financed by the European Commission (DG TREN) and Ademe (French Agency for environment and energy management).

Electrical transmission & storage
Energy distribution
Energy management
Engines & transmissions
Forestry & energy crops
  • International Biofuels Portal

    International Biofuels Portal - one stop shop for biodiesel industry, aimed to create better awareness of biodiesel benefits and to speed up the formation of regional interest groups worldwide. The immediate objective is to evoke and maintain trust towards biodiesel among customers and vehicle & parts manufacturers. Portals\'s Team builds framework for Voluntary Fuel Quality Management System dedicated to biofuels as blending components. This is being combined with provision of information most neeeded by fuel users and drivers regarding their vehicles\' suitability for new types of fuels. This information is contained in the Directory of Vehicle/Engine Manufacturers’ Warranties.


    ITEBE is a European professional institute specialising in wood energy. It currently consists of European structures which contribute to its work: associations, institutions, research centres, consultants, manufacturers, fitters and users of wood-fired heating systems. The majority of its members have between ten and twenty years of experience in the domain of wood energy.

Fuel cells
Geothermal energy
  • IEA - Geothermal

    In some areas of the world with high grade resources, geothermal energy is already making a useful contribution to energy supplies. There are huge potentially available resources of geothermal energy, much of it in the form hot dry rocks within the earth, which could potentially be harnessed to both make a large contribution to global energy supplies and to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

  • Geothermal Resources Council

    Consisting of over 700 members in the US - professional & educational.

  • Earth Energy Society of Canada

    The association for ground-coupled geoexchange heat pumps

Heat recovery & storage
High temperature technologies
  • The Energy Technologies for High Temperature Processes Group

    Research conducted by the Energy Technologies for High Temperature Processes Group supports Canadian coal producers and ironmakers. Current research interests include coal injection into blast furnaces, extending the life of coke ovens and improving the quality of coke.

  • IEA - Hydropower

    The IEA Hydropower Agreement is a working group of governments and industry which intends to provide objective, balanced information about the advantages and disadvantages of hydropower. On this web-site you can find information about the positive and negative social and environmental effects of hydropower, about hydropower in general, and about the IEA Hydropower Agreement.

  • The International Centre for Hydropower

    Promoting the development and utilization of Nowegian hydropower resources


    The microhydro power web portal is the major starting point on the internet regarding information related to (micro)hydropower. At this web site and its associated discussion forum gathers the world-wide microhydro community. With 300 to 400 visitors daily, this web site is one of the most frequently visited sites related to (micro)hydropower. Ranging from theory, case studies, practical solutions to day-to-day problems when managing a hydro site to news flashes, meetings and conference announcements. The business directory with an overview of manufacturers and consultants proves to be a good source for business deals.


    H2CARSBIZ features international news about the hydrogen economy, including its infrastructure, markets, financing, investment, car manufacturers, and hydrogen providers. It's published by Zero Emission Energy Systems in Denmark.

  • IEA - Hydrogen Production and Utilisation

    Today, hydrogen is primarily used as a chemical feedstock in the petrochemical, food, electronics, and metallurgical processing industries, but is rapidly emerging as a major component of clean sustainable energy systems. It is relevant to all the energy sectors—transportation, buildings, utilities, and industry. Hydrogen can provide storage options for intermittent renewable technologies such as solar and wind and, when combined with emerging decarbonization technologies, can reduce the climate impacts of continued fossil fuel utilization.

Industrial technologies

    Norwegian Institute of Fish Processing and Preservation Technology (NORCONSERV) An independent foundation working for the food industry.

  • Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO)

    Performs applied R&D in materials.

  • Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

    Japan\'s Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) has established AIST to superintend 15 research institutes which carry out R&D to develop wide-ranging industrial technology for the future.

  • CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC)

    CETC is a research arm of Natural Resources Canada, working with the private and public sectors to develop the use of clean, energy-efficient technologies for buildings, industry, transportation and power production.

  • Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)

    Norway\'s national research centre for nuclear and energy technology, carrying out R&D activities into environmentally acceptable technologies for oil and gas production, power generation and supply, and energy use.

  • Motor Challenge Program

    The US Department of Energy's Motor Challenge Program provides technical information and advice on the management and maintenance of electric motor-driven systems.

  • New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

    NEDO activities include the initial and basic R&D programmes for industrial technology, through its Industrial Technology Department.

  • Office of Industrial Technologies (OIT)

    US Department of Energy's major site for programmes and activities relating to Industry.

  • European Commission End-Use Energy Efficiency Activities

    The Institute for Environment & Sustainability of the European Commission Joint Research Centre advises the Commission on the design and implementation of energy efficiency policies and programs. Its Web site serves as a portal site to information on the Commission's energy efficiency activities. Activities include the GreenLight Programme, Lights of the Future Competition, Energy Star Programme, electric motor programs, and building programs.

  • Cogen Europe

    Cogen Europe is the European Trade Association for the Promotion of cogeneration. Its principal goal is to work towards the wider use of cogeneration in Europe for a sustainable energy future.

Industrial waste
  • No Links
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Landfill gas
  • No Links
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Municipal waste
  • No Links
    There are no links for this Technology Code

Ocean energy
  • Practical Ocean Energy Management Systems, Inc. (POEMS),

    Practical Ocean Energy Management Systems, Inc. (POEMS), formed in March 2002, supports clean energy technologies, inquiry into climate management, and educates the public about renewable ocean energies and mitigation of coastal environment problems.

Solar energy (heat)
  • IEA - Solar Heating and Cooling

    Information about each of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme Tasks.

  • Solarbuzz

    In contrast to soaring energy prices across the USA and in particular California, global solar energy prices have risen only 2 per cent over the past twelve months according to the latest survey by Solarbuzz Inc, as it announces the launch of a new solar energy portal website. The mission of newly launched is to become a premier source of independent and comprehensive Solar Energy information on the Internet. As a major portal site, gives high profile to links to Solar Energy Companies worldwide and links to topics related to solar energy. Site content enables a speedy understanding of the present status of the solar photovoltaic business. is designed both for those in the solar industry, and for those who want to participate in its growth.

  • My Solar

    MySolar is an independent site, a central portal where manufacturers and distributors of PV panels list their products in our database. Customers can enter their requirements through our Solar Wizard and recommended products and distributers are displayed for the customer to contact. A great deal of information is also available concerning PV and Solar Water Heaters.

Solar power
  • SolarPlaza

    SolarPlaza is an independent organisation, which provides information about solar PV products, services and organisations. It does not provide product analysis, or comparisons of products. Consequently, it does not provide any advice which product is best in a specific situation. The product information provided (including price information) is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer or distributor who is supplying the information to SolarPlaza. SolarPlaza provides contact information about manufacturers and distributors of the products and services shown.

  • IEA - Photovoltaic Power Systems

    The Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme is one of the collaborative R&D Agreements established within the International Energy Agency. The participants are conducting a variety of joint projects in the application of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy into electricity, so-called solar photovoltaic electricity. We operate worldwide via a network of national teams in member countries. The website aims to inform about the results of the PVPS programme and gives information about publications and papers.

  • IEA - Solar Thermal Power and Chemical Energy Systems (SolarPACES)

    An international cooperative organization bringing together teams of national experts from around the world to focus on the development and marketing of concentrating solar power systems (also known as solar thermal power systems). It is one of a number of collaborative programs managed under the umbrella of the International Energy Agency to help find solutions to worldwide energy problems.

  • Australian Sustainable Energy

    University of New South Wales site. UNSW is at the forefront of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal development. This site has info on solar and other RE technologies.

  • PV Portal started in June 2000 as a website, aiming to help users find PhotoVoltaic related information on the Internet. The main goal is to provide the visitors of with a complete picture of the PhotoVoltaic businesses worldwide and in individual countries.

  • is a web site where information on photovoltaic technologies and its application can be found. History, technologies and applications of photovoltaic systems are presented there. Further detailed information and answers on the most complex questions about solar electricity use are accessible through links leading to web sites of many different organisations and institutions.

  • IEA - Wind Turbine Systems

    Implementing Agreement for Co-operation in the Research and Development of Wind Turbine Systems.

  • American Wind Energy Association

    The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) promotes wind energy as a clean source of electricity for consumers around the world.

  • International market place for Windpower

    A website that aims to bring together the world's companies, trade associations and professionals on one website.

  • Windustry

    This site focuses on the economic development potential of wind energy. It provides the basics of wind energy technology and its benefits, explains how to determine if a location has potential for supplying wind energy, and examines the economic risks and benefits of operating small, distributed wind projects and large-scale wind farms. Farmers can also evaluate the economics of installing a wind turbine to provide electricity for their farm and home.






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