Pipelines in Our Daily Lives

Without the efficiencies of pipelines, common sense tells us that many everyday products would be so costly to manufacture that only a few Americans could afford them. And the costs of transporting these products to market would make them even more expensive if it were not for the low cost fuel made possible by the efficiencies of pipeline delivery. Thus, many of the everyday features of our lives that we now take for granted would not exist at affordable prices without the inexpensive pipeline transportation of oil.
Mobility and Shipping

Most gasoline and diesel fuel supplies are delivered to the marketplace by pipelines - from refineries to local distribution centers. Tanker trucks carry gasoline only the last few miles of the trip to individual service stations.

Major American airports rely almost entirely on pipelines, and have dedicated pipelines to deliver jet fuel directly to the airport.photo_2.jpg

Plastics Food & Medicine
Almost all plastics are made from resins and other raw materials derived from oil. From our office desks to children's toys, we touch some sort of petroleum-based product almost every moment of our day.
Our health care and food safety also rely on plastics that are made from oil - including intravenous bags, syringes, beverage containers and plastic wrap for our food. None of these items would be possible or be so inexpensive without our country's safe and efficient oil pipeline delivery system.

It would be hard to imagine a computer or the Internet without plastics that rely on pipeline-delivered oil productsphoto_4.jpg

American farmers produce 16 percent of the world's food supply. A key reason for their productivity is the low cost fertilizer made possible by pipeline efficiency. Many commercial agricultural fertilizers are based on oil by-products.

Many common medicines - such as aspirin,antiseptics and antihistamines - are synthesized from oil-based compounds produced during the refining process. The United States accounts for one-third of global pharmaceutical sales.photo_6.jpg

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Association of Oil Pipe Lines 1808 Eye Street, NW , Washington, DC 20006 Phone: 202-408-7970 / Fax: 202-280-1949 © 2004 AOPL - All Rights Reserved
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