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International Total Primary Energy Consumption and Energy Intensity  


International and United States Total Primary Energy Consumption, Energy Intensity, and Related-Data Tables:
Total Primary Energy Consumption (Quadrillion Btu)
All Countries, 1980-2006 for the International Energy Annual 2006     xls
United States, Recent Months and Years-to-Date, and Years 1973-Present   pdf graph
United States, 1949-2007 html pdf graph
Energy Intensity [Total Primary Energy Consumption per Dollar of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)]
Selected Countries and Years, 1980-2006 (Btu per (2000) U.S. Dollars Using Purchasing Power Parities) for the International Energy Annual 2006     xls
Selected Countries and Years, 1980-2006 (Btu per (2000) U.S. Dollars Using Market Exchange Rates) for the International Energy Annual 2006     xls
United States, 1973-Present (Thousand Btu per Chained (2000) U.S. Dollars)   pdf  
United States, 1949-2007 (Thousand Btu per Chained (2000) U.S. Dollars) html pdf graph
Per Capita (Per Person) Total Primary Energy Consumption (Million Btu per Person)
Most Countries, 1980-2006 for the International Energy Annual 2006     xls
United States, 1949-2007 html pdf graph
Primary Energy Consumption by Source [Energy or Fuel Type] (Quadrillion Btu, Except as Noted)
Selected Country Groups [Includes OECD, Non-OECD, OECD Europe, OPEC, EU, and IEA] and World Total, 1980-2006 for the International Energy Annual 2006     xls
Selected Country Groups [Includes OECD, Non-OECD, OECD Europe, OPEC, EU, and IEA] and World Total, 1980-2006 (Standard U.S. Physical Units) for the International Energy Annual 2006     xls
United States, Recent Months and Years-to-Date, and Years 1973-Present   pdf graph
United States, 1949-2007 html pdf graph
United States, Selected Years,1635-1945 html pdf xls

see also:
Projected International Total Primary Energy Consumption by Region to 2030 (Reference Case)
Projected International Total Primary Energy Consumption by Region and Fuel to 2030 (Reference Case)
Projected International Delivered Energy Consumption By Region, End-Use Sector, and Fuel (Reference Case)
International Energy Consumption, Economic Growth, and Energy Intensity Analysis to 2030
International Energy Analysis Highlights to 2030