Congressional Record - Proceedings and Debates of the 110th Congress, First Session

January 12, 2007

House of Representatives

Statement of the Honorable Marion Berry
Time to Reform the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
Mr. BERRY. I thank the gentleman, my colleague and friend.

Mr. Speaker, as I have listened to this debate, and I am the only registered pharmacist in the 110th Congress. I can tell you one thing for certain, my distinguished colleagues across the aisle, while well meaning, absolutely don't know turnip greens from butter beans about what they are talking about.

They have claimed to be concerned about our seniors. They have claimed to be concerned about our neighborhood pharmacies. Their bill, passed in 2003, assaulted our seniors and our neighborhood pharmacies.

I assure you, that bill has done more to threaten those small businesses and the health care and well being of our senior citizens more than anything that is ever been done by this United States Congress, and they should be ashamed of themselves. They should be running to punch the green light as we come to the conclusion of this debate.

It was their party that held the vote open for 3 hours just for the opportunity to perform this assault on our seniors and on our neighborhood drugstores.

If they were concerned, they would not have passed that bill. They would not have made it possible for the PBMs to rob our neighborhood pharmacies and our senior citizens.

I can tell you this, our pharmacists provided millions of dollars in medicine out of the goodness of their hearts and a moral obligation to see that the senior citizens of this country were taken care of when this plan was implemented.

They did some wonderful humanitarian work. They deserved to be treated better than what this Medicare modernization act did. They are the victims, along with our seniors. The Republican motion to recommit is nothing more than charade intended to prevent Medicare from providing lower drug prices to our senior citizens.

I urge everyone in this House and everyone that cares about our senior citizens and the cost of prescription drugs to vote ``no'' on the motion to recommit and to vote ``yes'' on H.R. 4.

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