News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Angela Guyadeen

May 15, 2008

Communications Director


Lincoln, Pryor, and Berry Announce a $300,000 Grant Benefiting Walnut Ridge
WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor and Representative Marion Berry (AR-01) today announced that the Northeast Arkansas Public Water Authority in Walnut Ridge will receive a $300,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Rural Development program. The funding will be used to construct a new treatment plant that will treat water from the Spring and Current Rivers and distribute it to local residents.  
“Because of this grant, citizens of Walnut Ridge will have access to a dependable supply of clean, safe drinking water – something every Arkansan deserves,” said Lincoln. “I know that area residents are grateful for this new treatment plant, and I’m pleased that they have received this funding.”
“This new treatment plant will benefit Walnut Ridge residents for years to come,” said Pryor.  “This grant is a fitting example of how federal, state and local leaders can work together to make critical investments in our infrastructure."
"Access to clean water is essential for any community to grow and prosper," said Berry. "This new treatment plant will provide the people of Walnut Ridge clean water for their homes and businesses and I commend the local officials for seeking this funding, which will greatly benefit the community."
USDA Rural Development grants support public facilities and services, promote economic development, and offer technical assistance to help address the diverse and unique needs of rural communities.


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