News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Angela Guyadeen

August 27, 2008

Communications Director


Arkansas Congressional Delegation Announces Funding for State’s Recovery from Severe Weather
WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor and Representatives Marion Berry (AR-01), Vic Snyder (AR-02), John Boozman (AR-03), and Mike Ross (AR-04) today announced that the Economic Development Administration’s Austin Region will receive $13.8 million to be used for disaster recovery projects in Arkansas and Oklahoma.  The funds are allocated through the fiscal year 2008 supplemental appropriations bill.
Since February, 62 of Arkansas’s 75 counties have been declared federal disaster areas due to severe weather and flooding. The EDA funding will help repair public infrastructure damages not covered under other disaster recovery programs. 
“Throughout the seemingly endless rounds of severe weather this year, Arkansans came together and demonstrated what it means to be a good neighbor by helping those in need,” Lincoln said. “I firmly believe the federal government has a critical role to play in our state’s recovery efforts, and the emergency spending bill was the appropriate place to provide disaster recovery funding.  Supplemental appropriations are designed to allow federal spending for events and expenses that could not have been predicted, like this spring’s weather. I’m pleased that the Department of Commerce has granted our request to allow Arkansas to participate in this EDA disaster funding. We will continue to work with local and federal officials throughout the funding implementation process.”
“The Congressional delegation overcame several challenges to deliver this disaster relief funding to Arkansas, including a veto threat from the President,” Pryor said.  “In the end, we were able to secure enough dollars to help our state rebuild, recover and come out stronger than before the storms hit.”
“The people of Arkansas have an ability to overcome tragedy that is unmatched,” said Berry.  “In so many affected areas across our state, neighbors work together to reconstruct their homes and businesses as families.  These millions of dollars will give these communities the resources they need to move forward and rebuild their communities better than before.” 
“Severe weather has devastated many homes and businesses throughout Arkansas,” said Snyder. “I am grateful these funds are being sent our way to help these communities recover.”
“This funding is important to Arkansans affected by natural disasters,” Boozman said. “We’ve seen firsthand the devastation Mother Nature can cause, but the resilience communities have shown all across the state in picking up the pieces is remarkable and hopefully this funding will help speed up those recovery efforts.”
“We all know the unpredictability of Arkansas weather, and unfortunately, many Arkansas farms, families and businesses suffered because of this year’s numerous severe weather events,” said Ross.  “Federal dollars like these are crucial to rebuilding our communities and I will continue working in our nation’s capitol to ensure we have the necessary resources to recover from whatever natural disasters come our way.”
The Arkansas delegation worked with administrators at the Department of Commerce to help secure the disaster funding by demonstrating the extensive damage and urgent economic needs in the state. Oklahoma also had federally declared disasters during the spring of 2008 and will be eligible to submit projects for EDA grants. 


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