News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Angela Guyadeen

May 31, 2008

Communications Director


Three Arkansas House Members Participate in Official Diplomatic Mission to Afghanistan
WASHINGTON, D.C. –  Three members of Arkansas’s Congressional Delegation traveled Saturday to Afghanistan as part of an official North Atlantic Treaty Organization Parliamentary Assembly (NATO-PA) diplomatic mission representing the United States. 
U.S. Representatives Mike Ross (AR-04), John Boozman (AR-03), and Marion Berry (AR-01) visited the Middle Eastern country for a first hand view of the progress our nation’s military and NATO forces are making in the ongoing war against terrorism and in rebuilding efforts there.  Both Ross and Boozman are appointed delegates to the NATO-PA, an inter-parliamentary organization of legislators from the 26 member countries of NATO and 16 associate countries.  Berry served on the trip as an alternate delegate to the Assembly. 
The U.S. delegation met with President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, General Dan McNeill, Commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, Major General Robert Cone, Commanding General in charge of Afghan National Army and Police Training, and U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan William Wood.
“As a delegate to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, it was important for me to visit Afghanistan and see first hand the role the U.S. and NATO are playing in the war against terrorism and to personally thank our troops for their service,” Ross said.  “The recent increase in insurgent activities and violence in Afghanistan demonstrates the need for our NATO allies to join the U.S. in committing more resources and troops for an increased military presence in Afghanistan.  Terrorism is a threat, not only to the U.S., but to all of our freedom loving allies and we cannot let the terrorists retake Afghanistan as a safe haven and training ground for future attacks.”
“This was a great opportunity to visit with our NATO allies and see the progress of our cooperative efforts,” Boozman said. "But the highlight of this trip was visiting with the men and women serving our country overseas.  It was an honor to share time with them at our base at Incirlik, Turkey and in Afghanistan.  I reminded them how proud the people of Arkansas are of them, that we appreciate them, and that we have not forgotten them.”
“We must have solidarity among our allies in the global community to have peace and security in Afghanistan and the Middle East,” said Berry.  “Our troops have done an outstanding job standing on the front lines in the fight against terrorism and this visit allowed me to personally express our gratitude for their service to our country. Although this visit was during the Memorial Day recess, we should never lose sight of our mission to support our troops with all the resources they need while serving our country and do everything in our power to bring them home safely as honored veterans.”
The three Arkansas representatives attended the NATO-PA spring session in Berlin, Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the delegates. The U.S. NATO-PA delegation also made stops in Turkey, a key U.S. ally with a democratic government strategically located next to Iraq and Iran, where they met with President Abdullah Gül, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoĆ°an, and Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Ali Babacan. The delegation also visited American troops at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, where they received a briefing from General David Petraeus, Commanding General of the Multi-National Force in Iraq, on the current situation in Iraq. The group also received briefings on the role Incirlik Air Base is playing in support of the ongoing efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Congressional members of NATO-PA, are appointed by the Speaker of the House to serve on the bipartisan assembly that travels to other NATO countries to discuss issues of common interest and concern, such as strengthening global partnerships, improving trade relations, reducing drug trafficking, and working with our allies to stop terrorism. Delegates to the NATO-PA are nominated by their respective governments according to their national procedures, on the basis of party representation in the parliaments. The Assembly therefore represents a broad spectrum of political opinion. 
The NATO-PA has been in existence since 1955 to build support for the NATO Alliance within the national legislatures and to provide recommendations to the Secretary General of NATO and the North Atlantic Council.  Many of the reforms in NATO have first come from the Assembly.  It also provides a way for legislators in member countries to stay informed about changes in NATO and about military reforms in the 16 associate countries. 
For more information on the North American Treaty Organization Parliamentary Assembly, please visit


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