News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Angela Guyadeen

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Communications Director


Lincoln, Pryor, and Berry Announce Rural Development Funds for Corning
WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor and Representative Marion Berry announced today that the city of Corning will receive a $20,000 Rural Development grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). These funds will be used to purchase and install an advance warning system for severe weather.
“Arkansans know all too well the real danger of severe weather,” said Lincoln. “I commend the local leaders of Corning for working to secure these federal dollars to purchase an advance warning system that will help protect local residents.”
“Dangerous weather conditions can develop unexpectedly during any season and in any location,” said Pryor. “This wise investment will protect lives as well as provide peace of mind."
"We can never be too prepared for a disaster,” said Berry. “This advance warning system will give the residents of Corning more accurate and up-to-date information so they are better prepared to protect their families from severe weather. I am proud to have helped secure this funding, which will improve the safety and security of the local community."
USDA Rural Development grants support public facilities and services, promote economic development, and offer technical assistance to help address the diverse and unique needs of rural communities.


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