News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Angela Guyadeen

September 5, 2008

Communications Director


Lincoln, Pryor, Berry Announce Grant for Burdette
WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor and Representative Marion Berry (AR-01) announced today that the town of Burdette in Mississippi County will receive a $444,000 grant and a $305,000 loan from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development grant program.  The funds are given to Burdette through the recently passed 2008 Farm Bill and will be used to construct a new well and treatment facilities and paint a tank, which will supply local residents with a back-up supply of water. 
“I’m pleased that the town of Burdette has received this critical funding, which will help officials maintain a safe, clean water supply for Mississippi County,” said Lincoln, a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, which wrote the 2008 Farm Bill. “The Farm Bill makes a significant investment in rural development priorities, and I’m proud to have worked to help Arkansans living in rural areas maintain the quality of life they deserve.”
“These funds are critical in order to ensure a reliable, clean supply of water to area homes and businesses,” Pryor. "I’m pleased to see federal resources reinvested in local communities this way.”
"Strong water infrastructure is essential for economic growth and development in Arkansas," said Berry.  "This funding will help upgrade the existing infrastructure for Burdette. I commend the local officials for taking the initiative to secure these federal dollars, which will improve access to clean and safe water for the local residents."
USDA Rural Development grants support public facilities and services, promote economic development, and offer technical assistance to help address the diverse and unique needs of rural communities.


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