News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Angela Guyadeen

February 5, 2008

Communications Director



Berry Statement on President Bush’s Fiscal Year 2009 Budget


WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Representative Marion Berry (D-AR, 1st) recently received a copy of President Bush’s final budget and issued the following statement in response:

"Today as working families find it harder to make ends meet due to an uncertain economy, President Bush unveiled his final budget for America with more of the same misplaced priorities we have seen for the past seven years.  The President, who entered office with a budget surplus, will leave the American people and the next administration with over $9 trillion in debt. 
"The President's fiscal and economic policies have produced not only a legacy of deficits and debt but also a weakened economy for our nation.  This result is from a failure to invest in priorities such as healthcare, infrastructure, the safety of our food and fiber supply, veterans benefits, and education.   
"In addition, the President's new budget proposes severe cutbacks in many critical services and needed investments.  Some of these include $178 billion in Medicare cuts while at the same time refusing to limit subsidies to the overpaid HMOs.  Also, the budget will cut grants to improve health care in rural areas by 87%.  And, despite the nation’s crumbling infrastructure and the need to create new jobs, the President proposes cutting highway programs by $1.82 billion.  Finally, the new budget proposes severe cuts to law enforcement with the elimination of the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) and other first responder programs. 
"Our budget should invest in policies that will strengthen America.  As a member of the Appropriations and Budget Committees, I will continue to work with my colleagues torestore many of the funding cuts suggested by the Bush Administration in a fiscally responsible way so that we do not add to our national deficit.  Moving forward, Congress and the incoming Administration must work to generate new, knowledge-based jobs, reinvigorate our educational system, expand access to affordable health care, and rebuild our country's aging infrastructure.
"We must make investments to support our economy but we must do it in a fiscally responsible manner to ensure future generations are not burdened with our debt."


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