News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Angela Guyadeen

June 11, 2008

Communications Director


WASHINGTON, D.C. –  Congressman Berry (AR-01) was recently awarded with the "Distinguished Service Award" from AgriBank District Farm Credit Council.  Berry was recognized for his leadership supporting the Farm Credit System and rural America.


"I am honored to receive this award but more importantly I am thankful for the improved access to credit AgriBank provides to farmers," said Berry.  "Due to rising fuel and fertilizer costs, farmers are faced with an increasing number of challenges every season.  Farmers are the backbone of America and we must continue to ensure they have the resources they need to provide us with a safe and secure food and fiber supply."


Congressman Berry is one of two recipients of the AgriBank District Council Distinguished Service Award, which is given annually to Members of Congress who demonstrate leadership on behalf on the farm credit system and rural America.  Senator Tim Johnson of South Dakota was also a recipient of the award.  


The Farm Credit System (FCS) is a nationwide financial cooperative that lends to agriculture and rural America.  Congress created the System in 1916 to provide American agriculture with a dependable source of credit.  AgriBank is the largest of the five banks and 17 associations within the AgriBank Farm Credit District provide credit and other services to approximately 246,000 agricultural producers and rural homeowners.


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