Viewing Records

You can view a record by clicking on its Hitlist summary. Doing so will display the full text of the record.

Viewing records will aid in the feedback searching process, as you will see information that may inspire you to refine your search query.

Understanding Search Stemming

In a retrieved record, some words highlighted as hit words may vary somewhat from your original query terms. This is due to a process called stemming, wherein PLWeb Turbo strips query words of common suffixes that indicate plurality, verb tense, etc. After query words undergo stemming, a search is performed for variants of the resulting root words.

Stemming is performed by PLWeb Turbo automatically, in order to accommodate the variety and imprecision of the English language. If you use the word run as a query word, stemming causes variants like runs and running to be sought, so you retrieve desirable information that would be overlooked under a strict interpretation of your query.

Closing a Record

While viewing a record, you can return to the Search Results Screen by using your Web browser's standard method for displaying the previous document in your current browsing session history (e.g., clicking on Netscape's Back button, etc.).

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