News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Lillian Pace

September 7, 2005



Berry to Introduce Major Agriculture Relief Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Representative Marion Berry  (D-AR, 1st) intends to introduce a significant disaster relief package this week that will help area farmers recover from severe drought conditions, Hurricane Katrina, and other natural disasters. The Agriculture Assistance Act of 2005 would provide farmers with relief above and beyond any funding the state would receive from a federal disaster declaration.


"Our farmers suffered unbelievable blows this year that compare only to the tough economic conditions of the 1980's" said Congressman Berry. "They faced a terrible drought, skyrocketing fuel prices, extremely low crop prices, and now they must deal with the worst hurricane to ever hit the United States. We cannot expect our agriculture community to overcome such conditions alone. I think its time the federal government stepped in to help our farmers through this difficult time."


Congressman Berry's Agriculture Assistance Act would give farmers additional relief who live in a county declared a disaster region by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture or the President of the United States. The legislation would give eligible farmers the choice of either an additional half-payment above the amount they received in 2005 from the Farm Bill or payment based on yield loss.


"As someone who worked hard to craft the last Farm Bill, I believe this is the best way to provide our farmers with relief," said Congressman Berry. "By building on the success of that landmark legislation, we can ensure that our agriculture community makes it through the year and comes back strong for future harvests. Our farmers are the backbone of this country and we must protect them from the crisis resulting from Hurricane Katrina and other manmade disasters."


The Agriculture Assistance Act of 2005 will include supplemental payments for eligible producers of covered commodities, livestock assistance, fruits and vegetables assistance, cottonseed assistance, and additional hurricane relief. Congressman Berry intends to introduce this legislation this week in order to address the immediate needs of farmers across Arkansas. He also continues to work with every member of Arkansas' Congressional Delegation to secure a federal disaster declaration from the severe drought that dried up crops across the state during the summer months.


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