News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Lillian Pace

March 2, 2006



Berry, Rural Lawmakers, Introduce House Resolution Demanding Agriculture Assistance

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Representative Marion Berry  (D-AR, 1st) introduced a House Resolution today calling on Congress to enact legislation that will provide emergency assistance for American farmers who were adversely affected by natural disasters and unforeseen production costs. The measure, which has thirty-one bipartisan co-sponsors, is the latest attempt by Congressman Berry to raise awareness of the dire conditions facing farmers across rural America.


"This nation cannot afford to continue ignoring the difficult realities facing our farmers. Domestic production of food and fiber is absolutely vital to our nation's security," said Congressman Berry. "This resolution gives Members of Congress the opportunity to voice their commitment to domestic production and let American farmers know they care." said Congressman Berry.


Although a House Resolution is not binding, it provides Members of Congress with an opportunity to build support for a particular issue. Congressman Berry and other rural lawmakers are trying to convince leadership in both the House and Senate to pass a disaster relief package for farmers affected by natural disasters and record production costs during the 2005 crop year.  These conditions cost the agriculture community billions of dollars and forced many producers into further debt or complete foreclosure.


Congressman Berry has also introduced H.R. 3702, the Agriculture Assistance Act of 2005, which would provide farmers with an additional 50% direct payment or an additional payment based on yield loss. He is working with leaders in the House and Senate to pass the legislation as a stand alone bill or attach the measure to one of this year's budget measures.




Text of the resolution is provided below:


Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Congress should enact legislation to provide direct emergency assistance to American farmers who were adversely affected by natural disasters and unforeseen production costs during the 2005 crop year.


Whereas the hurricanes and drought of 2005 caused significant and widespread damage to the agricultural economy of the United States;


Whereas American farmers were forced to pay record prices for production inputs, such as fertilizer, natural gas and diesel fuels;


Whereas predetermined market prices prevent American farmers from passing unexpected input costs on to consumers;


Whereas many American farmers are struggling financially and lender concern is escalating;


Whereas protecting domestic agricultural production is a matter of national security; and


Whereas it is vital for American farmers and rural communities to realize that Congress understands their plight and is prepared to provide relief.


Now, therefore, be it resolved that it is the sense of the House of Representatives that—


(1) Congress should promptly enact agricultural disaster assistance legislation to assist American farmers who were adversely affected by natural disasters and unforeseen production costs during the 2005 crop year; and


(2) this legislation should give farmers a choice of a supplemental direct payment under section 1103 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 7913) or disaster payments based on yield loss.



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