News Release


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Lillian Pace

February 3, 2006



Berry Calls On President Again for Agriculture Relief

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Representative Marion Berry  (D-AR, 1st) sent a letter to the President today, reminding him of the dire situation facing agriculture producers in Arkansas and urging him to make farm relief a national priority. He also asked the President to include an agriculture assistance package with any additional emergency supplemental appropriations request he may send to Congress this year.


"Our farmers are facing the worst conditions of my lifetime, and the President doesn't want to give them the time of day" said Congressman Berry. "If we can find the money to pass billions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy and fight two wars, surely this country can make sure our domestic food production remains secure."


The President has announced that he will send a $140 billion supplemental appropriations request for emergency expenses associated with the War on Terror and hurricane damage in his Fiscal Year 2007 budget. Congressman Berry is working with colleagues in both the House and Senate to attach an agriculture relief package in this budget cycle that will provide farmers with an additional 50% direct payment or an additional payment based on yield loss. The President is scheduled to deliver his budget to Congress on February 6, 2006.


"This Administration needs to recognize how valuable our farmers are to the security of America," said Congressman Berry. "Without a secure food supply, this country is going to find itself in the same situation we face now with oil. We simply cannot depend on other countries to provide us with food for our tables and clothes for our backs."


Arkansas' farmers suffered record losses this year due to natural disasters and unanticipated input costs. This is the fourth time Congressman Berry has contacted the White House since he introduced the Agricultural Assistance Act of 2005 (H.R. 3702) in September of last year. 



The text of the letter is attached.


Dear President Bush:


I am writing to once again remind you of the dire situation facing agricultural producers in my district and many other parts of the nation.  Natural disasters and record production costs are the leading causes of the devastating conditions in the agriculture community.  This problem must be addressed on a national level.  It cannot be ignored.  I call upon you to make direct emergency assistance available to all producers who were negatively impacted during the 2005 Crop Year by natural disasters and unforeseen production costs. 


From the droughts and the hurricanes, to the skyrocketed prices for fuel and fertilizer, our nation's farmers have faced a year of unpredictable disasters without any form of protection or relief.  These farmers need help, and they need it now.


Planting season is quickly approaching, and no end to the abnormal weather or ridiculous energy prices is in sight.  Countless farmers are in debt, and lender concern is at an all time high.  As American farmers make their final decisions on the upcoming crop year, it is essential for our rural communities to know that help is on the way. 


In September of last year, I introduced the Agricultural Assistance Act of 2005 (H.R. 3702).  If passed into law, this bill would immediately provide the much needed direct assistance to agricultural producers who suffered losses as a result of drought, hurricanes and other natural disasters.  I sincerely ask that you make providing such relief a national priority and include such a package with any additional emergency supplemental appropriation bills that you may soon send to Congress. 




Marion Berry

Member of Congress


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