Opinion Editorial


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Drew Nannis

January 1, 2001



Last week I began my third term as the U.S. Representative for the First Congressional District of Arkansas. It has been less than a month since the last session of Congress ended, and even though there has been a strong partisan atmosphere in Washington recently, I am looking forward to building on some of the positive things we were able to accomplish here.

I am proud of my role in finally securing authorization and funding for the Delta Regional Authority, which will provide numerous long-term economic benefits for the region. We also provided much-needed relief for our health-care providers, and passed important increases in education funding.

Ever since I was elected to represent the people of the First District, I have been doing everything I can to reduce the cost of prescription drugs. I am the only registered pharmacist in the Congress, and I have seen first-hand how our friends and family members have had to make difficult choices because they cannot afford their medicine. Two years ago, I wrote and sponsored legislation that would allow Americans to purchase prescription drugs at the same low prices available to citizens of other countries. That bill went further in the Congress than any other of its kind, and I am optimistic its implementation will make prescription medications more affordable.

With that in mind, I am going to work even harder in this session of Congress to pass legislation that will lower the prices of prescription medicine. I will also continue my efforts to pass the Patients’ Bill of Rights, which I co-authored to make sure that the American people receive the quality health care they deserve. And once again, the protection of Social Security and Medicare will be one of my top priorities.

I want to work with my colleagues in both parties to pass reductions in the marriage tax and the estate tax.

We will begin negotiations on a new Farm Bill this year, and I am going to fight to make sure it provides meaningful assistance to our agricultural producers. That means finding a reliable way to help farmers when they are impacted by sudden changes in weather or commodity prices, instead of the ad-hoc system we have now. I will also work to eliminate the current trade sanctions with Cuba.

I know this is an ambitious agenda, but these are the things that the people of the First District of Arkansas told me they want me to do, and I will work hard to get them done. Of course, I always want to know other ways I can help. If you have a question or concern, please contact me through one of my two offices:

1113 Longworth H.O.B.
Washington, D.C. 20515
Telephone: 202-225-4076

615 S. Main Street, Suite 211
Jonesboro, AR 72401
Telephone: 800-866-2701


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