Opinion Editorial


United States Representative

First District, Arkansas







CONTACT: Angela Guyadeen

October 19, 2007

Communications Director


Crossroads Coalition is a Shining Example of Success in the Delta

Published in weekly newspapers across the First Congressional District

It is no secret that a quality education and economic development go hand-in-hand.  A skilled workforce prepared to handle the challenges of our ever changing global economy is the key to the prosperity of Arkansas and America.  Because educational training is essential to the creation of this workforce, I am constantly seeking new and innovative opportunities to advance and improve the skills of our citizens.

One success story from the Delta is the Crossroads Coalition.   This organization consists of visionary leaders from several eastern Arkansas counties who gathered together to create an umbrella group that would work to unite organizations and leverage the partnerships to create an engine for economic development.

One of the most notable accomplishments of the Crossroads Coalition was the creation the Arkansas Delta Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development, or ADWIRED program.  By partnering with the Arkansas Delta Training and Education Consortium (ADTEC), which consists of the five community colleges that serve the region, they are building an infrastructure to improve the skills of local residents in preparation for the kinds of jobs that are being recruited to the area.  Meanwhile, they are assuring potential industries that programs are in place and already training the local workforce, ensuring the existence of a qualified labor pool. 

Since I have been a Member of Congress, securing resources to help jump start programs like the Crossroads Coalition has been on of my priorities.  A skilled workforce will influence a company's decision for relocation or expansion far more than a one-time cash grant. 

Programs like those offered by the Crossroads Coalition will help match the knowledge students must possess and the skills good paying jobs require.  These connections between educational programs, integrating with workforce programs, and strengthening the connections to business and industry will ultimately make our region a more attractive prospect for emerging, knowledge-based businesses to thrive in our region.

A quality education will empower residents of the Delta with more opportunities. We must focus our economic development strategy on building a knowledge-based economy derived from research, entrepreneurship and ingenuity.  The Crossroads Coalition is a shining example of the right path to take.  In order for any community to flourish, active involvement from everyone is required for success. 

I commend the work the Crossroads Coalition is doing to change lives in the Delta and as your congressman, I will also continue to do everything in my power to make positive changes that will benefit the people of Arkansas. I am honored to serve you in the United States Congress. 



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