Mike Rogers, Proudly Representing the 3rd District of Alabama
  For Immediate Release   Contact:  Marshall Macomber or Rob Jesmer
April 22, 2004 (202) 225-3261
Press Release
Rogers Announces Russell County
Members for Third District Manufacturers Advisory Council
Don Burke, Gene Cone to Advise Rogers on
Local Economy, Trade Issues
Washington, DC  -  Congressman Mike Rogers announced today the appointment of Russell County business leaders Don Burke and Gene Cone to his new Third District Manufacturers Advisory Council, an all-volunteer board to help advise Rogers on specific problems with local manufacturers and further strengthen the Third District’s manufacturing economy.

“Strengthening and protecting manufacturing jobs all across the Third District must continue to be one of our top priorities,” Rogers said. “I will continue to find ways like this to help advocate for our local manufacturers, and lead efforts to strengthen our local economy and protect and create good paying jobs.”

Gene Cone is President & CEO of Johnston Textiles in Phenix City and said the committee will help Rogers stay in touch with the day-to-day problems manufacturers face. “I appreciate Congressman Rogers for working directly with us, and look forward to developing new ideas on this committee to help Alabama manufacturers grow in an increasingly competitive global economy.” Don Burke is Vice President of International Marketing at MeadWestvaco in Phenix City.

Rogers said the committee’s first meeting is expected to be late this spring, and should include representatives from each of the Third District’s 13 counties. “All Third District manufacturers and workers want is a fair and level playing field on which to compete,” Rogers added. “I look forward to hearing directly from managers and workers about the problems they face, and will continue to do whatever I can to stand up for their interests in Congress.”