Mike Rogers, Proudly Representing the 3rd District of Alabama
  For Immediate Release   Contact:  Shea Snider or Marshall Macomber
January 12, 2007 (202) 225-3261
Press Release
Rogers to Serve on Three
House Committees
Secures Ranking Member Position on Homeland Security Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, D.C.  -  Congressman Mike Rogers said today he is pleased he will continue serving on three important committees for the Third District.  The three committees include:  The House Armed Services Committee, the Agriculture Committee, and the Homeland Security Committee.

Rogers said he was also pleased to retain a leadership position on the Homeland Security oversight subcommittee as its top Ranking Member.

“With so many important issues facing East Alabama this Congress, I am delighted to have the chance to continue serving on these three important committees,” Rogers said. “This is certainly encouraging news for the Third District’s many interests.”

Rogers said his membership on the Armed Services Committee will allow him to continue to be a strong advocate for the Third District’s three military installations – the Anniston Army Depot, Fort Benning, and Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base – in times of war, as well as for our brave men and women in uniform.

With the upcoming Farm Bill debate, Rogers said Alabama has three members on the Agriculture Committee, including himself. He said this committee will allow him to be a strong voice for our farmers and their interests in this important legislation.

Rogers also said his Homeland Security Committee and Subcommittee assignments will allow him to continue to be a strong advocate for strengthening our nation’s borders with Mexico and Canada, as well as advocate for critical Third District facilities like the Center for Domestic Preparedness in Calhoun County.

Rogers said he looks forward to continuing to serve the folks of the Third District, and working with Democrats and Republicans alike in getting things done for the people of East Alabama. 

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