Mike Rogers, Proudly Representing the 3rd District of Alabama
  For Immediate Release   Contact:  Shea Snider
September 24, 2008 (202) 225-3261
Press Release
Rogers, Bachus: Auburn University Should Receive $2.8 Million for Fuel Cell Research
Project could help Army decrease reliance on foreign oil

WASHINGTON, D.C.  -  Auburn University should receive $2.8 million to help the U.S. Army develop a hydrogen fuel cell that could power military vehicles in the future, thanks to the final version of an appropriations bill which passed the House of Representatives today, Congressman Mike Rogers (AL-03) and Congressman Spencer Bachus (AL-06) announced this afternoon.

The $2.8 million appropriation was contained in H.R. 2638 - The Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act of 2009, which passed the House today 370 to 58 with one voting present. Rogers and Bachus voted in favor of the bill, which is expected to pass the Senate and should be signed into law by President Bush. This funding would continue a trend for continued development of hydrogen cells for military vehicles in East Alabama.

“Our nation’s military is feeling pain at the pump, just like hard working Alabama families,” said Rogers. “This project should help Auburn University further grow its outstanding reputation for advanced alternative fuels research, and over the long term help reduce the Army’s reliance on foreign oil to power its vehicles.”

Congressman Bachus said, “This fuel cell technology, although developed for the military, could have widespread civilian application. Domestically, such technology could ultimately lead to cleaner-burning, fuel efficient automobiles and trucks while at the same time reducing our dependence on foreign oil, which is one of the most critical issues facing our nation right now.”

“Auburn University is at the forefront in developing technologies to meet the energy and fuel needs of the U.S. military.  We appreciate the efforts of Congressmen Bachus and Rogers and Senators Shelby and Sessions to advance a project important to both the soldier and our nation's energy security,”said Brian Keeter, spokesperson for Auburn University.

Rogers said he and Congressman Bachus also appreciate the ongoing support of Senators Shelby and Sessions in the Senate for this important Lee County project.

Rogers said the funding levels announced today could change slightly depending on the implementation of the legislation next year.

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