Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
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May 20, 2003  
WASHINGTON—Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), chairman of the Governmental Affairs Committee is introducing an amendment to the 2004 Defense Authorization bill today to help give small businesses greater access to defense contracts. The amendment, co-sponsored by Senator James Talent (R-MO), would limit the Department of Defense’s prolific use of bundled contracts to procure billions of dollars in goods and services.

Unlike contracts for major construction projects such as aircraft, ships or tanks, contract bundling combines requirements for goods and services that are not necessarily related. For example, an agency may bundle individual contracts for grounds maintenance, facilities cleaning and roof repair into one larger contract. This practice simplifies the workload of the contracting officer but often precludes small businesses from bidding on the larger, bundled contracts.

Throughout the government, the number and value of contracts that have been bundled has dramatically increased over the last decade. Although the rate of bundled contracts is high at agencies, such as the General Services Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of the Treasury, the Defense Department is considered the government’s primary source of bundling because of its significantly higher level of spending.

“The proliferation of contract bundling, especially at the Department of Defense, has dramatically reduced the government’s contractor base,” Collins said. “It’s a losing situation for everyone – for small businesses, for the government and, ultimately, for the taxpayers.”

The Collins-Talent amendment is supported by the National Federation of Independent Business and the National Black Chamber of Commerce. The amendment is posted on the committee’s website at
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(pdf) Collins-Talent Bill S. 1050 (30.1 KBs)

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May 2003 Press Releases
April   June   --   2002   2004  
May 30 - Governmental Affairs Nominations Hearing

May 28 - Governmental Affairs To Hold Hearing on Proposed Personnel Changes at the Department of Defense

May 21 - Senate Approves Collins' Amendment Limiting Defense Contract Bundling

May 21 - Collins' Committee Launches Investigation of WorldCom's Federal Contracts

May 20 current Press Release

May 19 - Passenger Screener Cutbacks at Portland Jetport Delayed

May 15 - Collins Introduces Legislation to Coordinate, Simplify Homeland Security Grant Process

May 13 - Collins' Committeee to Hold Hearing on Streamlining Homeland Security Grant Process

May 13 - Governmental Affairs Committee to Hold Hearing onTissue Banks: The Dangers of Tainted Tissue and the Need for Federal Regulation

May 8 - Governmental Affairs Committee Hearing to Consider Nominations

May 8 - Hearing on Investing in Homeland Security: Challenges Facing State and Local Governments

May 7 - Collins Protests Plan to Eliminate Nearly 30 Percent of Portland Airport's Screeners

May 6 - Collins, Voinovich Insist Upon Safeguards in Defense Department Personnel Changes

May 2 - Senator Collins' Committee to Hold First Congressional Hearing on ULLICO Stock Deals

May 1 - Collins Outlines Legislation to Streamline and Strengthen Homeland Security Grant Programs

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510