October 2, 2006

Clinton, King Pass Legislation to Ensure Health of Rescue Workers

Amendment to SAFE Port Act based on lessons learned from 9/11 attacks

Washington, DC - Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, announced that the SAFE Port Act, passed by the House and Senate, includes a provision to protect the health and safety of rescue workers, residents, and volunteers that may be negatively impacted in the aftermath of a disaster.

The inclusion of the provision was the result of a joint effort by Senator Clinton and Congressman King. Senator Clinton, along with Senator George Voinovich (R-OH), introduced the measure in the Senate and secured inclusion in the port security bill that passed the Senate. Rep. King fought successfully in the House-Senate Conference Committee to keep it in the final version of the SAFE Port Act.

"September 11 showed us that we need a national program to fully track -- and thus enable us to treat -- the health effects of disasters. Responders and volunteers who came to New York from all over the country and people who lived and worked near Ground Zero but have since moved to other parts of the country are experiencing health effects their local health providers may not connect to 9/11. For the protection of those who will answer the call to help in the wake of future tragedies, I am proud the Senate has approved what will become a critical part of our public health preparedness," said Senator Clinton.

"This amendment is absolutely essential to protect the health and safety of our first responders. The legacy and lessons of 9/11 require no less," said King.

The provision will allow the President to authorize, in the event of a disaster, a certified monitoring program to include protection, assessment, monitoring and study of the health and safety of individuals with high levels of exposure. Affected individuals will be informed of potential health risks, monitored periodically for health and mental health impacts, and referred to healthcare practitioners as needed.

"We never want any future rescue workers to suffer the debilitating illnesses suffered by so many 9/11 heroes," said Senator Clinton and Congressman King.

Click here for more information about Senator Clinton's work on 9/11 health effects.


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