July 21, 2006

Senators Clinton and Dole Introduce Senate Resolution Congratulating Israel’s Magen David Adom for Achieving Full Membership in the International Red Cross

Washington, DC - Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) and Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) today introduced a Senate Resolution congratulating the Magen David Adom Society in Israel for achieving full membership in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Last month, the International Red Cross Movement approved changes to its statute accepting a neutral emblem and included Israel’s Magen David Adom in the International Red Cross after 57 years of rejection.

“Israel’s Magen David Adom has a long and distinguished record of heroic service, providing humanitarian assistance to all those in need of aid without bias. Even today MDA personnel are bravely responding in the aftermath of rocket attacks in Israel. Magen David Adom’s inclusion in the International Red Cross has long been one of my top priorities and their long overdue admission to the International Red Cross Movement has finally made right an egregious wrong. The final step is for the Senate to approve legislation necessary to bring into effect the Third Additional Protocol and I urge my colleagues to approve this legislation without delay,” said Senator Clinton.

“Since my days at the American Red Cross, I have worked to bring Magen David Adom into the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement—as I saw then the discrimination, intransigence and endless delay that defined this issue for so many years,” said Senator Dole. “Magen David Adom has a long history of providing humanitarian assistance to all who need help, and I congratulate this extraordinary organization for finally obtaining this long-overdue admittance into the Red Cross movement.”

Senators Clinton and Dole have been tireless advocates of Magen David Adom’s inclusion in the International Red Cross. Last November, Senator Clinton visited MDA’s offices in Jerusalem and was briefed about the important humanitarian work that they perform, both in Israel and the world. Senators Clinton and Dole also urged the Bush Administration to submit to the Senate the Third Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions, which provide a means by which Israel’s Magen David Adom can join the International Red Cross.


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