Transmission, Markets & Services Tariff
The Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff (Tariff) provides the rates, terms and conditions for transmission, market and other services provided by ISO-NE.
Provides general definitions as well as the rights, privileges and obligations of all parties and actions they may or must take under the Tariff.
Procedures electric energy suppliers must follow to access the region’s transmission system to transport electricity throughout New England.
Information on Market Rule 1, which governs the operation of New England’s wholesale electric power markets.
The Self-Funding and Capital Funding Tariffs control how ISO-NE collects funds to pay for administrative functions and certain capital acquisitions.
Provides the rights and responsibilities of businesses or organizations that generate, buy, sell and transport electricity in the New England markets. Attachment A-1 applies to FTR-Only Customers, DRP-Only Customers and ODR-Only Customers.
This section is reserved for future filings by ISO-NE.
Demonstrates the relationship of certain sections of documents in effect prior to ISO-NE becoming an RTO to those in effect after ISO-NE became an RTO.
Procedures ISO-NE follows in handling the disclosure of information collected and created while operating the region’s markets and transmission grid.
Provides forms for service agreements under the Tariff.
Document ISO-NE's coordination of operations with operators of neighboring control areas and the terms for pricing Emergency Energy and Security Energy.
Procedure designed to prevent the occurrence of a loss of Phase II contingency applicable when Phase II is operated in the isolated or synchronous mode.
Agreement regarding NCPC charges for LSCPR including the "out-of-merit" dispatch of the Canal Units in the SEMA area for the period January 1, 2006 through May 31, 2010.
  Copyright ©2009 ISO New England Inc.