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Kerry Statement on Sen. Obama's Selection of Joe Biden as VP Nominee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. John Kerry released the following statement today in praise of Sen. Barack Obama’s decision to pick Sen. Joe Biden as the Vice Presidential Nominee on the 2008 Democratic Presidential ticket:

“I am honored to express my support for my colleague and good friend Joe Biden as the next Vice President of the United States. From his championship of families hit hardest by a failing economy to his dedication to ending the misguided war in Iraq, Joe Biden is ready to help Barack Obama provide Americans with change we can truly believe in. I have had the privilege of working closely with Joe on the Foreign Relations Committee and have witnessed first hand his commitment to elevating America’s stature in the world. Barack’s vision for a better future for America is reflected in Joe’s commitment to middle class issues, understanding of international relations, and duty to country. I look forward to doing all I can to help elect Barack Obama and Joe Biden as the next President and Vice President of the United States.”
