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Kerry Pushes Bush Administration to Bolster Massachusetts National Guard, Address "Readiness"

WASHINGTON DC – Sen. John Kerry wrote to the President, demanding immediate action to bolster the readiness of the Massachusetts National Guard.  According to a new study of the preparedness of the Guard, Massachusetts units only have 46 percent of the Humvees, helicopters, and weapons needed to respond to an emergency.  Only 40 percent of  “dual-use” equipment used for warfighting or civilian emergencies are available to the Commonwealth.  Kerry cited the stress on Guard members fighting in two simultaneous wars as the reason for the shortfall.

“It is not acceptable to ‘rob Peter to pay Paul’ when it comes to our homeland defense,” said Kerry. “Faced with the ravages of Hurricane Katrina, the Administration belatedly said ‘Never Again’ about being caught unprepared.  Yet today the Bush Administration has siphoned off critical resources at home to fight wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  We must rebuild our readiness in Massachusetts, but Massachusetts is hardly alone in this crisis. We must also address the ways this shortfall affects us a nation.”

WASHINGTON DC – Sen. John Kerry wrote to the President, demanding immediate action to bolster the readiness of the Massachusetts National Guard.  According to a new study of the preparedness of the Guard, Massachusetts units only have 46 percent of the Humvees, helicopters, and weapons needed to respond to an emergency.  Only 40 percent of  “dual-use” equipment used for warfighting or civilian emergencies are available to the Commonwealth.  Kerry cited the stress on Guard members fighting in two simultaneous wars as the reason for the shortfall.

“It is not acceptable to ‘rob Peter to pay Paul’ when it comes to our homeland defense,” said Kerry. “Faced with the ravages of Hurricane Katrina, the Administration belatedly said ‘Never Again’ about being caught unprepared.  Yet today the Bush Administration has siphoned off critical resources at home to fight wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  We must rebuild our readiness in Massachusetts, but Massachusetts is hardly alone in this crisis. We must also address the ways this shortfall affects us a nation.”

The text of Kerry’s letter is below:

February 1, 2008

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the harmful effects that active-duty combat tours are having on the Massachusetts National Guard’s ability to respond to state emergencies.  Given the critical nature of this situation, I request that your fiscal year 2009 budget provide sufficient funds for new equipment, better training, and upgraded medical care and benefits for the brave men and women who are going the extra mile to protect us both overseas and at home.

The Commission on the National Guard and Reserves (Commission) recently confirmed what we have known for quite some time: The National Guard’s (Guard’s) homeland defense mission has been compromised by its near-constant deployment in support of our forces fighting wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan. 

As you know, the Guard was intended as a strategic reserve to supplement our active-duty troop presence for short periods of time during a national emergency.  However, the Guard has been used in practice as an operational reserve that has been deployed overseas nearly as often as the active-duty military.

In Massachusetts, the frequent use of the Guard has exacted a serious toll on its readiness to defend the homeland.  The Commission found in 2007 that Bay State Guard units only have about 46 percent of the required Humvees, helicopters, and weapons.  The rest of this equipment is on loan overseas, degraded, or lost in combat.  Worse still, only 40 percent of so-called “dual-use” items applicable to warfighting or domestic emergencies are available to the Commonwealth. 

The Guard and the people of Massachusetts deserve better.  The best way to ensure our Guard units succeed is to properly equip them, including with much-needed heavy-duty trucks, radios, generators, and medical equipment, as well as redouble the training they need to keep our state safe.  I ask that your budget devote more resources to help protect Massachusetts, as well as other states that have not fared much better.

It’s my hope that your Administration will work closely with Congress to adequately support the Guard’s homeland defense mission.  I will be taking all appropriate steps to ensure that the funding, budgeting, and training of the Guard actually reflect the vital significance of its mission here at home. 


John F. Kerry

United States Senator


February 1, 2008

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the harmful effects that active-duty combat tours are having on the Massachusetts National Guard’s ability to respond to state emergencies.  Given the critical nature of this situation, I request that your fiscal year 2009 budget provide sufficient funds for new equipment, better training, and upgraded medical care and benefits for the brave men and women who are going the extra mile to protect us both overseas and at home.

The Commission on the National Guard and Reserves (Commission) recently confirmed what we have known for quite some time: The National Guard’s (Guard’s) homeland defense mission has been compromised by its near-constant deployment in support of our forces fighting wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan. 

As you know, the Guard was intended as a strategic reserve to supplement our active-duty troop presence for short periods of time during a national emergency.  However, the Guard has been used in practice as an operational reserve that has been deployed overseas nearly as often as the active-duty military.

In Massachusetts, the frequent use of the Guard has exacted a serious toll on its readiness to defend the homeland.  The Commission found in 2007 that Bay State Guard units only have about 46 percent of the required Humvees, helicopters, and weapons.  The rest of this equipment is on loan overseas, degraded, or lost in combat.  Worse still, only 40 percent of so-called “dual-use” items applicable to warfighting or domestic emergencies are available to the Commonwealth. 

The Guard and the people of Massachusetts deserve better.  The best way to ensure our Guard units succeed is to properly equip them, including with much-needed heavy-duty trucks, radios, generators, and medical equipment, as well as redouble the training they need to keep our state safe.  I ask that your budget devote more resources to help protect Massachusetts, as well as other states that have not fared much better.

It’s my hope that your Administration will work closely with Congress to adequately support the Guard’s homeland defense mission.  I will be taking all appropriate steps to ensure that the funding, budgeting, and training of the Guard actually reflect the vital significance of its mission here at home. 


John F. Kerry

United States Senator
