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Kerry, 29 Senators: No Offensive Military Action Against Iran Without Congressional Approval

Kerry Argues Bush, White House Bellicose Rhetoric and Saber Rattling Undermines Diplomacy

Washington, DC— Senator John Kerry today, along with 29 co-signers, sent a letter to President Bush warning him not to take offensive military action against Iran without the express consent of Congress. The Senators also expressed concern that the administration’s increasingly provocative rhetoric has undermined diplomatic efforts with Iran. 

A copy of the letter follows:

November 1, 2007

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Bush:

We are writing to express serious concerns with the provocative statements and actions stemming from your administration with respect to possible U.S. military action in Iran.  These comments are counterproductive and undermine efforts to resolve tensions with Iran through diplomacy. 

We wish to emphasize that no congressional authority exists for unilateral military action against Iran.  This includes the Senate vote on September 26, 2007 on an amendment to the FY 2008 National Defense Authorization Act.  This amendment, expressing the sense of the Senate on Iran, and the recent designation of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist, should in no way be interpreted as a predicate for the use of military force in Iran. 

We stand ready to work with your administration to address the challenges presented by Iran in a manner that safeguards our security interests and promotes a regional diplomatic solution, but we wish to emphasize that offensive military action should not be taken against Iran without the express consent of Congress.


1.    Kerry
2.    Akaka
3.    Baucus
4.    oxer
5.    Brown
6.    Byrd
7.    Cantwell
8.    Carper
9.    Casey
10.  Clinton
11.  Dodd
12.  Dorgan
13.  Durbin
14.  Feinstein
15.  Harkin
16.  Johnson
17.  Klobuchar
18.  Kohl
19.  Leahy
20.  McCaskill
21.  Mikulski
22.  Murray
23.  Reed
24.  Rockefeller
25.  Sanders
26.  Stabenow
27.  Tester
28.  Webb
29.  Whitehouse
30.  Wyden
