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Kerry Asks Pentagon to Protect Troops From Identify Theft

WASHINGTON D.C. – Sen. John Kerry today announced that he is asking Defense Secretary Robert Gates for a detailed assessment of whether the Pentagon is doing enough to safeguard the personal information of troops. The letter comes amid reports that a recent internal Navy review revealed that the social security numbers of thousands of service members were exposed. 

Kerry’s full letter to Gates is included below: 

September 26, 2007 

The Honorable Robert Gates
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301

Dear Secretary Gates:

I write today regarding recent reports that the Navy has experienced a breech in protecting the confidential personal information of our sailors and Marines. Published reports on the findings of the May 25 Naval Audit Service report are deeply disturbing, specifically the evidence that everything from intact medical records to police records and travel documents containing personal information were improperly disposed of at bases nationwide. I’m concerned that these missteps may have left roughly 7,900 Social Security numbers of DOD military and civilian personnel in jeopardy.

In light of these findings, and in order to work together to find solutions to this situation and prevent future problems, I respectfully request the following information:

An estimate by the Department of Defense of what percentage of our nation’s military personnel is at risk of having their personal information (such as Social Security Numbers) jeopardized;
An assessment on the extent to which the problems identified in the Naval Audit Service report also affects other branches of the military;
An update on the status of the October 30 progress report the Department of the Navy is to provide regarding the new training in personally identifiable information responsibilities; and
An estimate of whether or not the internal audit has led the Department of Defense to consider department wide policy changes to protect personal information of our nation’s warfighters. 

I know you agree that our nation’s men and women in uniform deserve nothing but our best efforts to protect them against identity theft.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request.


John F. Kerry