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Kerry Introduces Wireless Innovation Act to Spur New Broadband Connections

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator John Kerry (D-MA) last night introduced the Wireless Innovation Act of 2007, to make broadband available to unconnected communities by exploiting unused frequencies in the broadcast spectrum known as “white spaces.” Kerry introduced the same bill in the 109th Congress, but it was not acted on by the full Senate.

In the spirit of the President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal “Rural Electrification” package, which expanded access to electricity for thousands of American families, Kerry’s bill would serve communities large and small, enabling the delivery of broadband that will connect business owners with their customers, students with dynamic new learning resources and first responders with victims in crisis.

“Just as President Roosevelt recognized a responsibility to make electricity available to rural families in his New Deal, and just as President Eisenhower recognized the necessity of a National Highway System that would enable substantial economic growth in the country, it is time for us to make this technology available to the hard-to-reach communities that need it – rural and urban,” Kerry said. “At a time when the U.S. is lagging behind much of the world in broadband penetration – and more than 60% of the country does not subscribe to broadband service primarily because it is either unavailable or unaffordable – this legislation would put this country one step closer to achieving ubiquitous broadband Internet access throughout America.”

“In contrast to Roosevelt’s sweeping changes, this administration has pledged ubiquitous Broadband access by 2007, but has taken few concrete actions to achieve that goal. On the contrary, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) seems intent to inexplicably drag its feet on this measure – despite broad bipartisan support in the Congress, as indicated by the Senate Commerce Committee’s unanimous acceptance of a similar measure last year.” Kerry pledged to build bipartisan support for the measure and seek immediate passage.

The WIN Act specifically requires the FCC to permit license-free use of the unassigned broadcast spectrum between 54MHz and 698 MHz within 180 days of enactment. This legislation will enable entrepreneurs to provide affordable, competitive high-speed wireless broadband services in areas that otherwise have no connectivity to broadband Internet.

“This is about harnessing the spirit of American innovation, where we all share in the expansion of the internet’s reach. Our economy, our schools and our families are counting on us to make affordable broadband a reality everywhere.”

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