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Kerry and Kennedy Press Rice to Explain U.S. Ambassador to Armenia’s Dismissal

Today Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) sent a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, requesting an explanation for the early dismissal of John Evans, U.S. Ambassador to Armenia.

Ambassador Evans reportedly used the term “genocide” early last year, in describing the atrocities inflicted on the Armenian people in 1915. Several American officials have used the same terminology in the past; however the Turkish government was sharply critical of the remarks.

“If history has taught us anything, it’s that when we see it we must call genocide by its name. There is no doubt about the genocide of 1.5 million Armenian men, women and children, and the United States government should be straight about this piece of world history. It’s an outrage that a respected lifelong diplomat would be fired simply for speaking the truth. In 1990 I fought alongside Senator Dole to designate April 24 as a national day of remembrance so we could learn from this dark period and honor the memories of those Armenians who suffered,” said John Kerry. “The Ambassador and his career should not be made a scapegoat for this administration’s refusal to face the facts and strengthen the ties between our countries.”

Senator Kennedy said, “What happened in Armenia was genocide. No one should lose their job for stating the plain truth.”

Below is a copy of the letter:

June 5, 2006

The Honorable Condoleezza Rice


United States Department of State

2201 C Street, NW

Washington, DC 20520

Dear Secretary Rice,

We are writing to convey our disappointment over the apparent dismissal of the United States Ambassador to Armenia, John Evans. It is our understanding that Ambassador Evans will be leaving his post early, reportedly as a result of comments he made early last year.

In an exchange with Armenian American groups in February 2005 Ambassador Evans used the word “genocide” to describe the horrific atrocities that were committed against the Armenian people in 1915. We believe, and the reports from our diplomats at that time, make clear that genocide accurately described these events. Henry Morgenthau, then our Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, described these actions as a “campaign of race extermination.” Several U.S. officials, including President Reagan, have used the term “genocide” to describe what happened to the Armenian people.

Allegedly the Government of Turkey was dismayed by Ambassador Evans’ remarks and expressed this to the U.S. government. We would like clarification as soon as possible about Ambassador Evans’ premature dismissal after 35 years of exemplary service to the United States Government. We look forward to hearing from you on this important matter.


Edward M. Kennedy

John F. Kerry

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