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John Kerry's Press Office Section  John Kerry addresses the Press

John Kerry on Commerce Committee Hearing on Dubai Ports Deal

“This Dubai ports deal has tapped into legitimate concern about the state of our port security and called into question the judgment and competence of the administration officials who rubberstamped it without a real security review.

“The administration wants us to ‘take their word for it’ that there are no security concerns. Why should we? A secret government committee hastily approved this without even conducting the 45-day national security investigation required by law. The Secretaries of Homeland Security and Treasury look like the Keystone Kops trying to escape blame. The Coast Guard says it lacked the most basic intelligence information about the company. And to top it off, the President says he didn’t know about the deal, but he’s prepared to use his veto pen for the first time in his presidency over it.

“No wonder Americans are concerned. They deserve answers and so does Congress. Anything less than full transparency is unacceptable. Today at the Commerce Committee we’ll demand answers.”

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