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Senate Passes Two John Kerry Amendments for Troops

Kerry’s Amendments Will Increase Death Benefit; Extend Housing for Survivors

"We can make Washington work for the military families who sacrifice for our freedom"

Washington, D.C. -- The Senate today passed two amendments authored by John Kerry from his Military Family Bill of Rights to help the families of America’s troops. One amendment will allow families to stay in military housing for a full year after the death of a spouse. The other will enable all military families to receive $500,000 in total death benefits when a loved one dies in service to America.

Both amendments are part of John Kerry’s continued fight for a comprehensive Military Family Bill of Rights. They are now part of the defense supplemental bill being voted on by the Senate this week.

“We have to support our troops in both word and deed. These amendments are a crucial start. I've heard from thousands of military families and their loved ones who want to see their government honor them not just in speeches, but in actions. Today marks a victory for their faith that when push comes to shove, we can hold leaders accountable and make Washington work for the military families who sacrifice for our freedom,” Kerry said.

After introducing his amendments yesterday and emailing military families across the country, John Kerry's office was flooded with more than 2,200 e-mails from troops and their families with their personal stories about the need for these common-sense changes. To make the case for his Military Family Bill of Rights amendments and push the Senate to act, John Kerry read some of their personal stories on the Senate floor.

Increase Survivors’ Death Benefit

Families of those killed in action currently receive $12,420 to supplement whatever insurance they may have purchased. More than a year ago, Senator Kerry proposed increasing the benefits paid to surviving military families to $500,000 through existing insurance benefits and an increase in the death gratuity.

The Administration recently proposed a formula to reach $500,000, but would limit the $100,000 death gratuity portion of it to only those who die in a designated combat zone. Kerry’s amendment will provide the increased death gratuity to any service member who loses their life while on active duty, regardless of where they fall.

“We do right by our fallen police officers and firefighters, whose families receive $275,000, and it’s time we did the same for our soldiers. No one can ever put a price on a lost loved one, but we should do everything we can to help families put their lives back together,” said Kerry.

Flexibility in Military Family Housing

Currently, survivors of those killed in action must move out of military housing in 180 days. For those with young children, that can mean starting a school year in one state and finishing it in another. Kerry’s amendment will give survivors the option to keep their military housing and housing allowance for a full year.

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