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XXXXbXXXXQ4X` hp x (# (#XQ  Q=` hp x (#%'0*,.XQ X `"USUS.,  _Y  $ (#X$2 XXb2 2       V        V      !USUS.,  _?+ ` hp x X? XXXX  8XXdd8BillingCode:3510-33-P#XXX X|##XXXX     `    DEPARTMENTOFCOMMERCE h      ` BureauofIndustryandSecurity 8  15_CFR_ԀParts738and740  ` [Docket#XXX#X,##XXXXNo.<( 4 <DLX<d061101286628601d]#XXX#X##XXXX  8  _RIN_Ԁ0694dAD85d   Additionof Montenegroand#XXX#X<##XXXXԀ SerbiaasseparatecountriesintheExportAdministration   RegulationsbasedonU.S.recognitionofMontenegro#XXX#X##XXXXasasovereign#XXX#X##XXXXԀstate#XXX#X ##XXXXԀ#XXX#Xh##XXXX p    `     h      p   AGENCY:BureauofIndustryandSecurity,Commerce. p     p ACTION:Finalrule.      SUMMARY:TheBureauofIndustryandSecurity(BIS)isamendingtheExportAdministration  Regulations(EAR)to#XXX#X##XXXXadd Montenegroand SerbiaasseparatecountriesintheEARandto X  establishseparateexportlicensingrequirementsforMontenegroandSerbia.<( 4 <DLX<BISistakingthis 0"  actiontoupdatetheEARtoreflecttheUnitedStates'recognitionofMontenegro $X" asasovereignstatebytheUnitedStates#XXX#X##XXXX. %0!$ #XXX#Xx ##XXXXEFFECTIVEDATE:Thisruleiseffective[DATEOFPUBLICATION]d.d   x  h+&* _ ԇADDRESSES:Althoughthisisafinalrule,commentsarewelcomeandshouldbesentto  4p ,O  5  publiccomments@bis.doc.gov,byfaxto(202)4823355,orto#XXX#X #JefferyLynch,RegulatoryPolicy  Division,BureauofIndustryandSecurity,DepartmentofCommerce,P.O.Box273, ` Washington,DC20044 #XXXX.Pleaserefertoregulatoryidentificationnumber(RIN)6 ,O   7 K 0694dAD85#XXX#X ##XXXXԀd#XXX#Xp ##XXXXin 8  allcomments,andinthesubjectlineofemailcomments.Commentsonthecollectionof  ` informationshouldbesenttoDavidRostker,OfficeofManagementandBudget(OMB)by  8  emailto4s l,O  5  David_Rostker@omb.eop.gov,6,O  7 "Ԁorbyfaxto(202)3957285.   FORFURTHERINFORMATIONCONTACT:JoanM.MaloneyRoberts,ForeignPolicy p Division,OfficeofNonproliferationTreatyCompliance,BureauofIndustryandSecurity, H Telephone:(202)4824196.  p SUPPLEMENTARYINFORMATION:Thisfinalruledeletes SerbiaandMontenegroand   adds Montenegroand SerbiaasseparateentriesontheCommerceCountryChartin  SupplementNo.1topart738oftheEARforexportlicensingpurposes. ӀInapressreleasedated  June13,2006,theU.S.DepartmentofStateannouncedthattheUnitedStatesrecognized X  Montenegro#XXX#X ##XXXXasasovereign#XXX#X##XXXXԀstate#XXX#X$##XXXXԀbasedonaninternationallyrecognizedMay21,2006 0"  referendum.SeePressRelease,U.S.DepartmentofState,U.S.RecognizesMontenegroas $X" IndependentState(June13,2006),availableat %0!$ http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2006/67839.htm.Previously,theEARreferredto Serbiaand '#& Montenegroasonecountry.#XXX#Xl##XXXXThisfinalrulealsoupdatesreferencesto SerbiaandMontenegro )$( inpart740oftheEARtoreflectMontenegroslegalseparationfromthestateunionofSerbia h+&* andMontenegro.#XXX#XF# XXXX 2 X X   J(!03P# XX 2 ##XXX Xj#4M ,O  5  :  6,O  7 4N ,O  5  :  6X,Ol  7 4O ,O  5  :  6,,O@  7 n#XXXXSpecifically,thisruleamendstheEARasfollows: `   1.InSupplementNo.1topart738oftheEAR,theCommerceCountryChartdis 8  amendedbyremoving SerbiaandMontenegroandbyadding Montenegroand Serbia.ddThis  ` amendmentdoesnotaffectanyofthelicenserequirementsindicatedontheCommerceCountry  8  Chart,sincetheCommerceControlListbasedlicenserequirementsthatapplyto Montenegro   and Serbiaarethesameasthosethatappliedto SerbiaandMontenegropriortothe   publicationofthisrule.d p   2.InSupplementNo.1topart740oftheEARd(CountryGroups),CountryGroupBis  p amendedbyremovingd SerbiaandMontenegro#XXX#X##XXXXԀanddaddingd Montenegroand Serbia#XXX#X##XXXX. H   3. Secdtiond740.7d(d)(1)doftheEARd(ComputerTier3destinations)isamendedbydd  ddremovingd #XXX#XN##XXXX SerbiaandMontenegro #XXX#Xh# #XXXXԀanddaddingd Montenegroand Serbia #XXX#X##XXXX forLicense  ExceptionAPPpurposes#XXX#XO ##XXXX. X     `   #XXX#X # XXXX ` AlthoughtheExportAdministrationActexpiredonAugust20,2001,the $X" President,throughExecutiveOrder13222ofAugust17,2001,3CFR,2001Comp.,p.783 %0!$ (2002),asextendedbytheNoticeofAugust3,2006,71FR44551(August7,2006),has '#& continuedtheExportAdministrationRegulationsineffectundertheInternationalEmergency )$( EconomicPowersAct.#XXX XH!#WXXXXԀ#XXXWXK###XXXX h+&* RulemakingRequirements    1.ThisfinalrulehasbeendeterminedtobenotsignificantforpurposesofE.O.12866. t Ѐ `   2.#XXX#X##?+ ` hp x X? XXXXNotwithstandinganyotherprovisionoflaw,nopersonisrequiredtorespondto,nor L  shallanypersonbesubjecttoapenaltyforfailuretocomplywith,acollectionofinformation $ t subjecttotherequirementsofthePaperworkReductionActof1995(44U.S.C.3501#XXX X"%# XXXXetseq.#XXX X&# XXXX)  L  (PRA),unlessthatcollectionofinformationdisplaysacurrentlyvalidOfficeofManagementand $  Budget(OMB)ControlNumber.Thisrulecontainsacollectionofinformationsubjecttothe   requirementsofthePRA.ThiscollectionhaspreviouslybeenapprovedbyOMBunderControl   Number0694-0088(Multi-PurposeApplication),whichcarriesaburdenhourestimateof58 \ minutestoprepareandsubmitformBIS-748.Thisruleisnotexpectedtoresultinanychange 4 forcollectionpurposes.Sendcommentsregardingthisburdenestimateoranyotheraspectof  \ thiscollectionofinformation,includingsuggestionsforreducingtheburden,toDavidRostker, 4 OfficeofManagementandBudget(OMB),andtotheRegulatoryPolicyDivision,Bureauof   IndustryandSecurity,DepartmentofCommerce,asindicatedinthe"ADDRESSES"sectionof  thisrule. l #XXX X&#  3.ThisruledoesnotcontainpolicieswithFederalismimplicationsasthistermisdefined D! underExecutiveOrder13132. #l!   4.TheprovisionsoftheAdministrativeProcedureAct(5U.S.C.553)requiringnoticeof $D # proposedrulemaking,theopportunityforpublicparticipation,andadelayineffectivedate,are &"% inapplicablebecausethisregulationinvolvesamilitaryandforeignaffairsfunctionoftheUnited (#' States(5U.S.C.553(a)(1)).Further,nootherlawrequiresthatanoticeofproposedrulemaking |*%) andanopportunityforpubliccommentbegivenforthisfinalrule.Becauseanoticeofproposed  rulemakingandanopportunityforpubliccommentarenotrequiredtobegivenforthisrule  under5U.S.C.553orbyanyotherlaw,theanalyticalrequirementsoftheRegulatoryFlexibility ` Act(5U.S.C.601etseq.)arenotapplicable. 8    Therefore,thisregulationisissuedinfinalform.Althoughthereisnoformalcomment  ` period,publiccommentsonthisregulationarewelcomeonacontinuingbasis.Comments  8  shouldbesubmittedto#XXXXԀpubliccomments@bis.doc.gov,byfaxto(202)4823355,#XXX#X{0#ԀortoJeffery   Lynch,RegulatoryPolicyDivision,BureauofIndustryandSecurity,DepartmentofCommerce,   P.O.Box273,Washington,DC20044. p ListofSubjects  p d15CFRPart738     Administrativepracticeandprocedure,Exports,Foreigntrade.dd  dd15CFRParts740dd 0"  dd  dAdministrativepracticeandprocedure,Exports,dForeigntrade,dReportingand %0!$ recordkeepingrequirements.#XXXX '#&   Accordingly,parts738and740oftheExportAdministrationRegulations(15CFRparts h+&* 730774)areamendedasfollows:  PART738[AMENDED] `   1.Theauthoritycitationfor15CFRpart738continuestoreadasfollows:  `   #XXX#Xf3#SXXXX  Authority: 50U.S.C.app.2401etseq.;50U.S.C.1701etseq.;10U.S.C.7420;10   U.S.C.7430(e);18U.S.C.2510etseq.;22U.S.C.287c;22U.S.C.3201etseq.;22U.S.C.6004;   30U.S.C.185(s),185(u);42U.S.C.2139a;42U.S.C.6212;43U.S.C.1354;46U.S.C.app. x 466c;50U.S.C.app.5;Sec.901911,Pub.L.106387;Sec.221,Pub.L.10756;E.O.13026,61 P FR58767,3CFR,1996Comp.,p.228;#XXXSX5#UXXXXԀ#XXXUX[7#UXXXXԀE.O.13222,66FR44025,#XXXUX7#SXXXXԀ3CFR,2001Comp.,p.783; (x NoticeofAugust3,2006,71FR44551(August7,2006).#XXXSX7##XXXX P   2.SupplementNo.1toPart738isamendedbydremovingtheentryfor Serbiaand  Montenegroandbyadding,inalphabeticalorder,newentriesfor Montenegroand Serbiatodd  ddreadasfollowsd:#XXX#X8#bXXXX    h    `  TRP$'3X3' Letter'3 Letter Landscape3'TxQ=` hp x (#%'0*,.XQ   SupplementNo.1toPart738COMMERCECOUNTRYCHART  T #XXXbX$:#E<bXXXX*ef ddd Xdd Xdd X.., )@+  1'0 0  C1 [Reasonforcontrol] (0 C" (*_gh dd )@ )ef.._,@,@,@,@,@,e@,@,@,M@+  1'   C1b^ \XbX#^ \ \b^<#b^ \ \^Countries#bXX \b^ә?##XXXbX?#bXXXX ' C" C'b^ \XbX#^ \ \b^I@#b^ \ \^Chemical&Biological   Weapons#bXX \b^ӏ@##XXXbX@#bXXXX ' C" C'b^ \XbX#^ \ \b^hA#b^ \ \^Nuclear   Nonproliferation#bXX \b^ӮA##XXXbXA#bXXXX '  C" C'b^ \XbX#^ \ \b^ӁB#b^ \ \^National    Security#bXX \b^B##XXXbX C#bXXXX '  C" C'b^ \XbX#^ \ \b^ӓC#b^ \ \^Missile   Tech#bXX \b^C##XXXbXD#bXXXX ' C" C'b^ \XbX#^ \ \b^ӠD#b^ \ \^Regional   Stability#bXX \b^D##XXXbX(E#bXXXX ' C" C'b^ \XbX#^ \ \b^ӳE#b^ \ \^Firearms   Convention#bXX \b^E##XXXbX;F#bXXXX ' C" C'b^ \XbX#^ \ \b^F#b^ \ \^Crime   Control#bXX \b^ G##XXXbXOG#bXXXX ' C" C'b^ \XbX#^ \ \b^G#b^ \ \^Anti   Terrorism#bXX \b^H##XXXbX]H#bXXXX-#! C"  -*ic d d@@@@@e@e@@M@Mgh..,@,@,@,X@,@,X@,@,X@,@, @,X@,@,@,@,X@,X@,@+  1'n n  C1 'n C C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,H#b, , ,,CB n  1#bXX ,b,UL##XXXbXL#bXXXX '^  C" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,M#b, , ,,CB n ! 2#bXX ,b,ZM##XXXbXM#bXXXX '^ #C" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,N#b, , ,,CB n $ 3#bXX ,b,_N##XXXbXN#bXXXX '^ &C" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,O#b, , ,,NP n ' 1#bXX ,b,dO##XXXbXO#bXXXX '^ )C" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,#P#b, , ,,NP n * 2#bXX ,b,iP##XXXbXP#bXXXX '^ ,C" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,(Q#b, , ,,NS n - 1#bXX ,b,nQ##XXXbXQ#bXXXX '^ /C" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,-R#b, , ,,NS n 0 2#bXX ,b,sR##XXXbXR#bXXXX '^ 2C" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,2S#b, , ,,MT n 3 1#bXX ,b,xS##XXXbXS#bXXXX '^ 5C" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,7T#b, , ,,RS n 6 1#bXX ,b,}T##XXXbXT#bXXXX '^ 8C" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,C C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,SW#b, , ,,CC n ? 1#bXX ,b,W##XXXbXW#bXXXX '^ AC" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,XX#b, , ,,CC n B 2#bXX ,b,X##XXXbXX#bXXXX '^ DC" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,]Y#b, , ,,CC n E 3#bXX ,b,Y##XXXbXY#bXXXX '^ GC" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,bZ#b, , ,,AT n H 1#bXX ,b,Z##XXXbXZ#bXXXX '^ JC" C'b, ,XbX#, , ,b,g[#b, , ,,AT n K 2#bXX ,b,[##XXXbX[#bXXXX(^ MC" (bXbX@BB'***** NM *kl dd@@@X@X@X@X@X@X@ @ X@X@@@X@XX@X@ic..,@,@,@,X@,@,X@,@,X@,@, @,X@,@,@,@,X@,X@,@+  1': O:  =C1Montenegro#bXXbԳ\# .jjjJ PC C.bXbXX#bXXb a# =jjj,!J QC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbԋa##XXXbXl\#bXXXX =jjj,!J RC"jjj C= =jjj,!J SC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbԊb# =jjj,!J TC"jjj C= =jjj,!J UC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbGc# =jjj,!J VC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbc# =jjj,!J WC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbGd# =jjj,!J XC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbd# =jjj,!J YC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbGe##XXXbXa#bXXXX =jjj,!J ZC"jjj C= =jjj,!J [C"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbFf##XXXbXe#bXXXX =jjj,!J \C"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbg##XXXbXf#bXXXX =jjj,!J ]C"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbg##XXXbXng#bXXXX =jjj,!J ^C"jjj C= ?jjjj,!J _C"jjj C?<20J `C"  = jjjj <bXbXQ=` hp x (#%'0*,.XQ@BB'*****#bXXbi#bXbXԈ e ` *mn dd@@@X@X@X@X@X@X@ @ X@X@@@X@XX@X@kl..,@,@,@,X@,@,X@,@,X@,@, @,X@,@,@,@,X@,X@,@+  1' b  C1#bXXbi#bXbXSerbia#bXXbԺm# .jjj  cC C.bXbX#b0h#bX#bXXb0n##XXXbXrn#bXXXX =jjj,!  dC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXb4o##XXXbXn#bXXXX =jjj,!  eC"jjj C= =jjj,!  fC"jjj C=#XXXbXo#bXXXXbXbXX#bXXbup##XXXbXVp#bXXXX =jjj,!  gC"jjj C= =jjj,!  hC"jjj C=bXbX#bp#bX#bXXbtq##XXXbXq#bXXXX =jjj,!  iC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbxr##XXXbXr#bXXXX =jjj,!  jC"jjj C=bXbX#br#bX#bXXb:s##XXXbX|s#bXXXX =jjj,!  kC"jjj C=bXbX#bs#bX#bXXb>t##XXXbXt#bXXXX =jjj,!  lC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbBu##XXXbXt#bXXXX =jjj,!  mC"jjj C= =jjj,!  nC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbAv##XXXbXu#bXXXX =jjj,!  oC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbw##XXXbXv#bXXXX =jjj,!  pC"jjj C=bXbXX#bXXbw##XXXbXiw#bXXXX =jjj,!  qC"jjj C= ?jjjj,!  rC"jjj C?<20  sC"   jjjj <Q=` hp x (#%'0*,.XQbXbX#b+x#b@BB'*****#bԕy##XXSy#Q=` hp x (#%'0*,.XQbXXXXbXbXԈ x  #bXXbԝz##XXXbX~z#bXXXX (#  %  '  0*  , #XXXbX{#bXXXXx s TRY03'P$'3 3' Letter'3 Letter LandscapeT#XXXbX{# #XXXX8XdXXd8PART740[AMENDED]    3.Theauthoritycitationfor15CFRpart740continuestoreadasfollows: `  #XXX#X_}#SXXXX  Authority: 50U.S.C.app.2401etseq.;50U.S.C.1701etseq.;Sec.901911,Pub.L.  ` 106387;E.O.13026,61FR58767,3CFR,1996Comp.,p.228;E.O.13222,66FR44025,3  @  CFR,2001Comp.,p.783;NoticeofAugust3,2006,71FR44551(August7,2006).#XXXSXr~#SXXXXԀ#XXXSX##XXXX     4.InSection740.7,paragraph(d)(1)isamendedbyrevisingthephrase"Mongolia, x Morocco,Oman,Pakistan,Qatar,Russia,SerbiaandMontenegro,SaudiArabia,Tajikistan"to P read"Mongolia,Montenegro,Morocco,Oman,Pakistan,Qatar,Russia,SaudiArabia,Serbia, (x Tajikistan,"#XXX#X:##XXXX. P   5.InSupplementNo.1topart740,CountryGroupBisamendedbyremoving Serbia  andMontenegroandbyadding,inalphabeticalorder, Montenegroand Serbia.  Dated: 8"  ChristopherA.Padilla   h    '#& AssistantSecretary )$( forExportAdministration p+&* #XXX#X#