  Worldwide, the AES culture thrives on a passion for individual and collective excellence.

Walk the halls of our offices or the floors of our plants, follow a maintenance crew on its rounds, talk to any one of our people and it’s obvious: AES people have a passion for what they do and a drive to achieve excellence. Having fun through work, yet absolutely serious about our business, we strive for the ultimate in performance. Across our businesses, AES has globalized a business model developed in the United States and blended it with the best each market has to offer, creating a culturally diverse, highly competitive, high energy learning organization. Adept at sharing knowledge and expertise, our people draw insight from around the world and focus it on each opportunity to innovate and excel. Here are some of the best reasons to join AES:

We offer global careers

Careers at AES take people around the world, and wherever they are, they work within global teams that span countries, regions and continents. This is by design. Our people development philosophy begins with the recognition that the power of being global arises not from turbines or boilers or transmission lines, but from our people.

We offer challenging work

If you join AES, expect to take on a number of different roles over your career. One day you could be trouble-shooting the cooling system on a turbine, the next you could be speaking to government officials about a new tariff proposal. Jobs here are fluid. We have found that changing functions and moving locations brings out the best in our people—inspiring new perspectives and the best ideas where they’re needed most.

We are a growing company

AES has been a leader when it comes to entering new and emerging markets, like Hungary in 1996 or China in 1994. Given our global footprint and knowledge of markets globally, we often see—and seize—opportunities in countries that are just on the cusp of economic growth.

AES is also becoming a leader in some of the fastest growing markets for alternative energy. We’ve rapidly built up a large presence in wind generation and in the global climate change business, which are areas where we see a lot of potential for growth—and in the case of climate change, where AES has taken a leadership role early on. We invest in technologies and projects that offset greenhouse gas emissions and create emissions offset credits for each tonne of CO2 (or CO2 equivalent) reduced. As more environmental regulations come into effect, more companies will need emission credits to comply with those regulations—representing a growing opportunity for AES.

We are intent on learning and career development

Rather than providing all the answers, AES teaches our people how to think. Given the global nature of our business, AES continually develops leaders who can deal with complexity and nuance, and who can apply intellectual rigor and creativity in the service of taking the best and most appropriate actions decisively. We’ve developed traditional academic programs at the University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, as well as online training and mentoring programs, to develop tomorrow’s leaders at AES. 

A Global Presence

A Welcome from Our CEO
The opportunities our people have every day to make a vital impact on peoples' lives and to work with the best our industry has to offer are, quite simply, transformative. At AES, you get to help change—and energize—the world.