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Life Issues & Abortion 

Stem Cell Research (6/12/07)
In light of the passage of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act (S. 5), which President Bush is expected to soon veto, the RSC prepared this policy brief on the different types of stem cell research and the legislative history of attempts to expand the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.

Stem Cell Research Resources
Following are several excellent resources regarding the destruction of human embryos for research purposes, along with information on new breakthroughs in adult stem cell and other promising types of research.

Pro-Life Appropriations Riders
On March 30, 2007, 155 Members of Congress issued this letter urging President Bush to veto any appropriations bill that weakens any provision in current law that prevents taxpayer money from being used to fund things objectionable to pro-life Americans, such as abortion coercive "family planning" provisions.

Federal Title X Family Planning Program
A history of funding from 1970-2006
The history of the Title X program

PBS and Playboy
The RSC released this document highlighting the Public Broadcasting Service's (PBS) use of funds from The Playboy Foundation to produce a sex education movie.

Private Relief Bills
In light of some assertions that the Terri Schiavo bill was the first time Congress got involved in the private affairs of individual citizens, the RSC has compiled this document, which shows the instances that at least the House passed private relief bills.

Policy Brief:
"Community Solutions Act of 2001" (Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Bill)

Controversial Conference
Conservative Members of Congress raised serious concerns that two federal agencies were platinum-level sponsors for a conference on youth health, featuring International Planned Parenthood, the United Nations Population Fund, MTV, and a Lobby Congress Day. Newspapers reported that the Bush Administration decided to withhold funds totaling approximately $320,000. Washington Times story about these developments

What is "Partial-Birth Abortion"?

Ohio abortionist Martin Haskell, MD, presented a paper to a 1992 National Abortion Federation seminar where he explained how to do a partial-birth abortion: The Haskell Instructional Paper.

In September, 1993, Brenda Pratt Shafer, a registered nurse with thirteen years or experience, was assigned by her nursing agency to an abortion clinic. Since Nurse Shafer considered herself "very pro-choice," she didn't think this assignment would be a problem. She was wrong. This is what Nurse Shafer saw.

The RSC document showing how a health exception equals partial-birth abortion on demand.

The PBA conference report, includes key definitions from the bill, info on why this bill is different from the one the Supreme Court overturned, and links to other PBA resources: the RSC legislative bulletin on S. 3.

A one-page legislative history of the ban: 8-Year History

GAO Report:
Federal Funds to Planned Parenthood, SIECUS, Advocates for Youth, etc.

Top of Page

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

  1. RSC document detailing more about this victory for human rights and providing background information on UNFPA.
  2. A letter detailing the Bush Administration decision issued by Secretary of State Colin Powell.
  3. UNFPA Praises China's One-Child Policy

Mexico City Abortion Policy: Does Reality Match the Rhetoric?
USAID: US Involvement in International Population Control and the History of the Mexico City Abortion Policy

Assisted Suicide Background: Oregon law.

Unborn Victims of Violence:

George Will asks a question:  Does a woman having an abortion have a right to a dead baby, even if it is born alive?

The Truth About Stem Cells:  An interview with Dr. David Prentice; National Review

H.R.534:  "Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2003"

The Department of Health and Human Services allows Clinton Administration Human and Fetal Research rule to take effect:  updating the special protections for pregnant women and fetuses, subject to 3 limited modifications.

Cloning Debate Takes Orwellian Twist (2/3/03)

Stem Cell Fact Sheet:  Summary: The question of whether the federal government should fund human embryo research is the same as the question of whether we should use federal funds to pay for abortions. Both issues concern the use of taxpayer funds to destroy human lives.