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2005 Legislative Bulletins
Analysis of legislation considered on the House floor:

December 22, 2005
S.Con.Res. 74-A concurrent resolution correcting the enrollment of H.R. 2863

December 19, 2005 - Deficit Reduction Act
Due to the late release of the bill text and the impending vote, we were not able to review the entire 774 pages.  This conference report provides $39.732 billion of savings over 5 years in the government's mandatory spending programs. (The Senate issue that stalled the bill earlier Friday evening (12/19) forced conferees to remove an additional $2 bill in savings from the bill, which is why this number is a somewhat lower than the number that appeared in news reports and the earlier press releases).

Title I: Agriculture (Conference talking points)

Title II:  Housing and Deposit Insurance Provisions
Title III--Digital Television Transition and Public Safety

Title IV: Transportation Provisions

Title V: Medicare (Conference talking points)
Risk Adjustment for Medicare Advantage Plans:  Phases out the "budget neutrality" requirement for current payment adjustments to Medicare Advantage Plans (Medicare HMOs).  Under current law, this requirement essentially holds some plans harmless when other plans' payments are increased (or "risk adjusted") for serving sicker Medicare beneficiaries.  ($6.5 billion in savings over five years)

Medicare Stabilization Fund:  Does not include the Senate's provision to eliminate the Medicare Stabilization Fund that will provide incentive payments to encourage preferred provider organizations (PPOs) to participate in Medicare across the country, beginning in 2007. 

Title VI: Medicaid and SCHIP

Title VII: Human Resources and Other Provisions (Conference talking points)
Total: Net Human Resources Savings of $1.3 billion, FY 2006-2010.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Child Care
Reauthorizes TANF through FY 2010 at current funding level and reauthorizes the national random sample study of child welfare through FY2010
Increases child care by $1 billion ($500 million more than the House-passed bill).

Welfare to Work: Gives Enforcement Power to HHS Secretary
Strikes the House-passed language which required a stringent 40-hour work week, with some education and dependent children exceptions, and replaces that with a new provision which requires the Secretary to promulgate regulations "to ensure consistent measurement of work participation rates under State programs.."  Not later than September 30, 2006, states much establish their own procedures for determining whether activities may be counted as work activities, how to count and verify hours of work, and who is a work-eligible individual in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the Secretary.

Penalties: The Secretary may reduce the grant payable to the state by at least one percent but not more than five percent, if he determines that a state has not established or complied with work participation verification procedures.
Increases effective TANF work rate target from 0 percent to 50 percent in FY 2007-2010 by rebasing caseload reduction credit to provide credit only for future caseload declines (i.e.. since FY 2005, not since FY 1995).

Marriage Promotion & Fatherhood Program:  Provides $150 million annually in federal funds for fiscal years 2006 through 2010, $750 million total, to fund fatherhood programs and healthy marriage promotion grants for healthy, married, 2-parent families.

Title VIII: Education and Pension Provisions

Title IX:  LIHEAP (Conference talking points)

Title X: Judiciary

December 19, 2005
H.R. 2863
- Defense Appropriations Act for FY 2006 Conference Report

December 18, 2005
H.Res. 633
- Honoring Helen Sewell on the occasion of her retirement from the House of Representatives and expressing the gratitude of the House for her many years of service

December 17, 2005
H.J.Res. 75
- Making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2006

December 17, 2005
S. 1988
- A bill to authorize the transfer of items in the War Reserves Stockpile for Allies, Korea
H.R. 4501 - Passport Services Enhancement Act of 2005
H.R. 797 - Native American Housing Enhancement Act of 2005
H.R. 358 -  Little Rock Central High School Desegregation 50th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act
H.Res. 456 - Expressing support for the memorandum of understanding signed by the Government of
the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement on August 15, 2005, to end the conflict in
Aceh, a province in Sumatra, Indonesia 
H.Con.Res. 275 - Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the education curriculum in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
H.Res. 601 - Condemning in strongest terms Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's hateful
rhetoric directed toward Israel
H.Res. 545 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives on the arrest of Sanjar Umarov in Uzbekistan
H.Con.Res. 284 - Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the 2005 presidential and parliamentary elections in Egypt
H.Res. 592 - Honoring Alan Reich for his Accomplishments on Disability
H.R. 4510 - To direct the Joint Committee on the Library to accept the donation of a bust depicting Sojourner Truth and to display the bust in a suitable location in the rotunda of the Capitol 
(included again but sent out earlier today:)
H.R. 1287 - Robert T. Ferguson Post Office Building Designation Act 
H.R. 4246 - Dr. Robert E. Price Post Office Building Designation Act
H.R. 4109 - United States Representative Parren J. Mitchell Post Office Designation Act 
H.R. 4515 - Corporal Jason L. Dunham Post Office Designation Act 
H.R. 2329 - Terrorist Rewards Enhancement Act

December 17, 2005
H.R. 3204
- State High Risk Pool Funding Extension Act of 2005
H.R. 2520 - Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005
H.R. 4579 - To amend title I of the Employment Income Security Act of 1974, title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend by one year provisions requiring parity in the application of certain limits to mental health benefits
H.R.4525 - Second Higher Education Extension Act of 2005

December 17, 2005
H.R. 3402 - Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2006 through 2009-as amended by the Senate

December 17, 2005
S. 1281 - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2005 Conference Report

December 16, 2005
S. 467 - Terrorism Risk Insurance Extension Act -- as amended by the Senate

December 16, 2005
H.R. 4440 - Gulf Opportunity Zone Act -- as amended by the Senate

December 16, 2005
H.Res. 612
- Expressing the commitment of the House of Representatives to achieving victory in Iraq

December 15, 2005
H.R. 2830 - Pension Protection Act Amendment

December 15, 2005
H.R. 2830 - Pension Protection Act

December 15, 2005
H.Con.Res. 315 - Urging the President to issue a proclamation for the observance of an American
Jewish History Month 
H.Res. 598 - Condemning actions by the Government of Syria that have hindered the investigation of the assassination of former Prime Minister of Lebanon Rafik Hariri conducted by the United Nations International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC)

December 15, 2005
S. 335 - A bill to reauthorize the Congressional Award Act

December 15, 2005
H.R. 4437
- Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005

December 14, 2005
H.R. 4508 - To commend the outstanding efforts in response to Hurricane Katrina by members and employees of the Coast Guard, to provide temporary relief to certain persons affected by such hurricane with respect to certain laws administered by the Coast Guard, and for other purposes
H.R. 2892 - Reverse Mortgages to Help America's Seniors Act
H.Res. 579 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the symbols and traditions of Christmas should be protected
H.Res. 587 - Congratulating Tony Stewart on winning the 2005 NASCAR Nextel Cup Championship
H.R. 4473 - To reauthorize and amend the Commodity Exchange Act to promote legal certainty, enhance competition, and reduce systemic risk in markets for futures and over-the-counter derivatives, and for other purposes
H.J.Res. 38 - Recognizing Commodore John Barry as the first flag officer of the United States Navy
H.Con.Res. 294 - Calling on the international community to condemn the Laogai, the system of forced labor prison camps in the People's Republic of China, as a tool for suppression maintained by the Chinese Government
H.Res. 529 - Recommending the integration of the Republic of Croatia into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
H.Con.Res. 252 - Expressing the sense of Congress that the Government of the United States should actively support the aspirations of the democratic political and social forces in the Republic of Nicaragua toward an immediate and full restoration of functioning democracy in that country
H.Con.Res. 312 - Urging the Government of the Russian Federation to withdraw or modify proposed legislation that would have the effect of severely restricting the establishment, operations, and activities of domestic and foreign nongovernmental organizations in the Russian Federation
H.Res. 534 - Recognizing the importance and credibility of an independent Iraqi judiciary in the formation of a new and democratic Iraq
H.Res. 575 - Providing that Hamas and other terrorist organizations should not participate in elections held by the Palestinian Authority, and for other purposes
H.Res. 409 - Condemning the Government of Zimbabwe's "Operation Murambatsvina" under which homes, businesses, religious structures, and other buildings and facilities were demolished in an effort characterized by the Government of Zimbabwe as an operation to "restore order" to the country
H.Con.Res. 238 - Honoring the victims of the Cambodian genocide that took place from April 1975 to January 1979
H.Res. 458 - Remembering and commemorating the lives and work of Maryknoll Sisters Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel, and Cleveland Lay Mission Team Member Jean Donovan, who were executed by members of the armed forces of El Salvador on December 2, 1980

December 14, 2005
H.R. 3508 - 2005 District of Columbia Omnibus Authorization Act (as amended)

December 14, 2005
H.R. 3010
- Labor, HHS, Education Appropriations Act for FY 2006 Conference Report (Reconsideration)

December 14, 2005
H.R. 3199
 - Conference Report on USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2005

December 13, 2005
H.R. 3508
- 2005 District of Columbia Omnibus Authorization Act
H.Res. 487 - Supporting the goals and ideals of Korean American Day
H.R. 4295 - Mont and Mark Stephensen Veterans Memorial Post Office Building Designation Act
H.R. 4107 - Maryland State Delegate Lena K. Lee Post Office Building Designation Act
H.Con.Res. 218 - Recognizing the centennial of sustained immigration from the Philippines to the United States and acknowledging the contributions of our Filipino-American community to our country over the last century
H.Res. 574 - Congratulating the Los Angeles Galaxy on their victory in the 2005 Major League Soccer championship
H.R. 975 - TRAIL Act
H.R. 3443 - To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain water distribution facilities to the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District
H.R. 853 - To remove certain restrictions on the Mammoth Community Water District's ability to use certain property acquired by that District from the United States
H.R. 125 - To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct facilities to provide water for irrigation, municipal, domestic, military, and other uses from the Santa Margarita River, California, and for other purposes
H.R. 452 - To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study to determine the suitability and feasibility of designating the Soldiers' Memorial Military Museum located in St. Louis, Missouri, as a unit of the National Park System
S. 1047 - Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005
H.R.  3422 - Small Public Housing Authority Act
H.R. 280 - Brownfields Redevelopment Enhancement Act
H.R. 798 - Methamphetamine Remediation Research Act of 2005

December 8, 2005:
H.R. 4297
- Amendment to the Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act

December 8, 2005:
H.R. 4297 - The Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act

December 7, 2005:
S. 467/ H.R. 4314 - Terrorism Risk Insurance Extension Act

December 7, 2005:
H.R. 4440 - Gulf Opportunity Zone Act

December 7, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 196 - Honoring the pilots of United States commercial air carriers who volunteer to participate in the Federal flight deck officer program
H.R. 1721 - To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize programs to improve the quality of coastal recreation waters
H.R. 3963 - To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to extend the authorization of appropriations for Long Island Sound
H.R. 4311 - To amend section 105(b)(3) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978
H.R. 1400 - Securing Aircraft Cockpits Against Lasers Act
H.Res. 196 - Recognizing the anniversary of the ratification of the 13th Amendment and encouraging the American people to educate and instill pride and purpose into their communities and to observe the anniversary annually with appropriate programs and activities
H.R. 4096 - Stealth Tax Relief Act 
H.R. 4388 - Tax Revision Act of 2005 
H.R 327 - Clarifies current law to allow for binding arbitration clauses to be included in contracts affecting land within the Gil River Indian Community Reservation
H.R. 4340 - United States Bahrain Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act

December 6, 2005
H.R. 585 - Gateway Communities Cooperation Act
H.R. 3812 - To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to prepare a feasibility study with respect to the Mokelumne River, and for other purposes
H. R. 4195 - Southern Oregon Bureau of Reclamation Repayment Act of 2005
S. 52 - To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey a parcel of real property to Beaver County, Utah
S. 212 - Valles Caldera Preservation Act of 2005
S. 279 - A bill to amend the Act of June 7, 1924, to provide for the exercise of criminal jurisdiction
H.R. 1129 - Pitkin County Land Exchange Act of 2005
S. 136 - Rancho Corral de Tierra Golden Gate National Recreation Area Boundary Adjustment Act
H.Con.Res. 273 \ - Recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott
S. 1886 - Naval Vessels Transfer Act of 2005
H.R. 2017 - Torture Victims Relief Reauthorization Act of 2005
H.R. 3269 - To amend the International Organizations Immunities Act to provide for the applicability of that Act to the Bank for International Settlements
H.Con.Res. 280 - Mourning the horrific loss of life caused by the floods and mudslides that occurred in October 2005 in Central America and Mexico and expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should do everything possible to assist the affected people and communities
H.Res. 438 - Urging member states of the United Nations to stop supporting resolutions that unfairly castigate Israel and to promote within the United Nations General Assembly more balanced and constructive approaches to resolving conflict in the Middle East
H.Res. 535 - Honoring the life, legacy, and example of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin on the tenth anniversary of his death
H.Res. 479 - Recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution that began on October 23, 1956 and reaffirming the friendship between the people and governments of the United States and Hungary
S. 584 - Betty Dick Residence Protection Act

November 18, 2005:
H.R. 3058 - Transportation, Treasury, HUD, Judiciary, and District of
Columbia Appropriations Act for FY 2006

November 17, 2005:
H.R. 3010 - Labor, HHS, Education Appropriations Act for FY 2006

November 17, 2005:
H.R. 2528 - Military Quality of Life Appropriations Act for FY 2006

November 17, 2005:
H.R. 4297 - The Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act

November 17, 2005:
H.J.Res. 72 - Making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2006

November 16, 2005:
H.R. 1065 - United States Boxing Commission Act

    * Amendments to H.R. 1065

November 16, 2005:
H.R. 3975 - Hurricane Regulatory Relief Act of 2005
H.R. 3647 - To render nationals of Denmark eligible to enter the United States as nonimmigrant traders and investors
H.R. 1036 - To amend title 17, United States Code, to make technical corrections relating to copyright royalty judges
H.R. 866 - To make technical corrections to the United States Code
H.R. 1442 - To complete the codification of title 46, United States Code, Shipping , as positive law
H.Res. 547 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth circuit deplorably infringed on parental rights in Fields v. Palmdale School District
H.R. 3351 - Native American Technical Corrections At of 2005
H.R. 562 - To authorize the Government of Ukraine to establish a memorial on Federal land in the District of Columbia to honor the victims of the manmade famine that occurred in Ukraine in 1932-1933
H.R. 1492 - To provide for the preservation of the historic confinement sites where Japanese Americans were detained during World War II
H.Con.Res. 230 - Expressing the sense of the Congress that the Russian Federation must protect intellectual property rights
H.Res. 500 - Recognizing the 60th anniversary of the disappearance of the 5 naval Avenger torpedo bombers of Flight 19 and the naval Mariner rescue aircraft sent to search for Flight 19
H.R. 4326 - to authorize the Secretary of the Nave to enter into a contract for the nuclear refueling and complex overhaul of the U.S.S. Carl Vinson (CVN-70)
H.Con.Res. 268 - Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding oversight of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
H.R. 4133 - National Flood Insurance Program Further Enhanced Borrowing Authority Act
H.Res. 546 - Condemning in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks that occurred on November 9, 2005, in Amman, Jordan

November 15, 2005:
H.R. 1564 - Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Conveyance Act
H.R. 1972 - Franklin National Battlefield Study Act
H.R. 3507 - Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians Land Transfer Act
H.R. 3721 - To amend the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996 to allow certain commercial vehicles to continue to use Route 209 within Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
H.R. 3981 - To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out certain land exchanges involving small parcels of National Forest System land in the Tahoe National Forest in the State of California, and for other purposes
S.161 - Northern Arizona Land Exchange and Verde River Basin Partnership Act of 200
H.R. 318 - To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to study the suitability and feasibility of designating Castle Nugent Farms located in St. Croix, Virgin Islands, as a unit of the National Park System
H.R. 323 - To redesignate the Ellis Island Library on the third floor of the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, located on Ellis Island in New York Harbor, as the Bob Hope Memorial Library
H.R. 326 - To amend the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area Act of 2000 to adjust the boundary of the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area and to extend the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to provide assistance under that Act
H.R. 1790 - Child Medication Safety Act of 2005
H.R. 856 - Federal Youth Coordination Act
H.Con.Res. 288 - Recognizing the 30th anniversary of the enactment of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 and reaffirming support for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act so that all children with disabilities have access to a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment

The Deficit Reduction Act (H.R. 4241) - November 10, 2005:
In light of the planned consideration of the budget reconciliation package (H.R. 4241, the Deficit Reduction Act) the week of November 7th, the RSC issued this statement and prepared the following detailed documents on its various parts.

    *   Overview

    *   Agriculture

    *   Education & Workforce

    *   Energy & Commerce

    *   Financial Services

    *   Judiciary

    *   Resources

    *   Transportation & Infrastructure

    *   Ways & Means

November 9, 2005:
H.R. 2862 - Science, State, Justice, and Commerce Appropriations Act for FY 2006

November 9, 2005:
H.R. 2419 - Energy and Water Appropriations Act for FY 2006

November 9, 2005:
H.R. 1751 - The Secure Access to Justice and Court Protection Act

    * Amendments to H.R. 1751

November 9, 2005:
H.R. 3665 - Veterans Housing and Employment Improvement Act of 2005

November 8, 2005:
H.Res. 38 - Expressing support for the accession of Israel to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
H.R. 1953 - San Francisco Old Mint Commemorative Coin Act
S. 1894 - Fair Access Foster Care Act of 2005
H.Res. 302 - Recognizing and commending the continuing dedication and commitment of employers of the members of the National Guard and the other reserve components who have been mobilized during the Global War on Terrorism and in defense of the United States
H.R. 3770 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 205 West Washington Street in Knox, Indiana, as the Grant W. Green Post Office Building
H.R. 3825 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 770 Trumbull Drive in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as the Clayton J. Smith Memorial Post Office Building
H.R. 4053 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 545 North Rimsdale Avenue in Covina, California, as the Lillian Kinkella Keil Post Office

November 7, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 260 - Recognizing the 40th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council's Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, Nostra Aetate, and the continuing need for mutual interreligious respect and dialogue
H.R. 1973 - Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act of 2005
H.Con.Res. 273 - Recognizing the 50th anniversary of the Montgomery bus boycott
H.Res. 444 - Gynecological Resolution for Advancement of Ovarian Cancer Education

November 4, 2005:
H.R. 3057 - Foreign Operations Appropriations Act for FY 2006

November 3, 2005:
H.R. 4128 - Private Property Rights Protection Act of 2005

November 2, 2005:
H.R. 1606 -  Online Freedom of Speech Act
H.R. 4061 - Department of Veterans Affairs Information Technology Management Improvement Act of 2005
H.R.1691 To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic in Appleton, Wisconsin, as the John H. Bradley Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic

November 1, 2005:
H.R. 3548 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located on Franklin Avenue in Pearl River, New York, as the Heinz Ahlmeyer, Jr. Post Office Building
H.R. 2413 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1202 1st Street in Humble, Texas, as the Lillian McKay Post Office Building
H.R. 3989 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 37598 Goodhue Avenue in Dennison, Minnesota, as the Albert Harold Quie Post Office

October 28, 2005:
H.R. 2744 - Agriculture Appropriations Act for FY 2006

October 27, 2005:
H.J.Res. 65 - Disapproving the recommendations of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission
H.R. 420 - Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act

October 26, 2005:
H.R. 1461 - Federal Housing Finance Reform Act

October 26, 2005:
H.R. 3945 - Hurricane Katrina Financial Services Relief Act
S. 172 - A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide for the regulation of all contact lenses as medical devices
H.R. 2967 - To designate the Federal building located at 333 Mt. Elliott Street in Detroit, Michigan, as the "Rosa Parks Federal Building"
S. 1713 - Iran Nonproliferation Amendments Act
H.Res. 368 - Congratulating the State of Israel on the election of Ambassador Dan Gillerman as Vice-President of the 60th United Nations General Assembly

October 25, 2005:
H.Res. 220 - Recognizing America's Blood Centers and its member organizations for their commitment to providing over half the Nation with a safe and adequate volunteer donor blood supply, and for other purposes
H.R. 3675 - American Spirit Fraud Prevention Act
H.Res. 485 - Supporting the goals of Red Ribbon Week
H.Con.Res. 269 - Recognizing the 40th anniversary of the White House Fellows Program
H.R. 3256 - Congressman James Grove Fulton Memorial Post Office Designation
H.R. 3368 - Gagetown Veterans Memorial Post Office Designation
H.Res. 484 - Supporting efforts to promote greater awareness of effective runaway youth prevention programs and the need for safe and productive alternatives, resources, and supports for homeless youth
H.R. 758 - To establish an interagency aerospace revitalization task force to develop a national strategy for aerospace workforce recruitment, training, and cultivation

October 19, 2005:
S. 397- Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
H.R. 554-Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act

October 19, 2005:
H.R. 3971 Medicare Cost Sharing and Welfare Extension Act as amended
H.Con.Res. 252 Expressing the sense of Congress that the Government of the United States should actively support the aspirations of the democratic political and social forces in the Republic of Nicaragua toward an immediate and full restoration of functioning democracy in that country

October 18, 2005:
H.R. 1409 - Assistance for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children in Developing Countries Act of 2005
H.Res. 492 - Mourning the loss of life caused by the earthquake that occurred on October 8, 2005, in Pakistan and India, expressing the condolences of the American people to the families of the victims, and urging assistance to those affected
H.R. 177 - Santa Ana River Water Supply Enhancement Act of 2005
S. 55 - Rocky Mountain National Park Boundary Adjustment Act of 2005
S. 156 - Ojito Wilderness Act
H.R. 3765 - A bill to extend through March 31, 2006, the authority of the Secretary of the Army to accept and expend funds contributed by non-Federal public entities and to expedite the processing of permits
H.R. 3549 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 210 West 3rd Avenue in Warren, Pennsylvania, as the "William F. Clinger, Jr. Post Office Building
H.R. 3830 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 130 East Marion Avenue in Punta Gorda, Florida, as the "U.S. Cleveland Post Office Building
H.R. 3853 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 208 South Main Street in Parkdale, Arkansas, as the Willie Vaughn Post Office
H.Res. 300 - Recognizing the South Carolina Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company on the occasion of its 50th anniversary and saluting the outstanding service of the Company to the people of South Carolina

October 17, 2005:
H.Res. 457 - Recognizing the importance and positive contributions of chemistry to our everyday lives and supporting the goals and ideals of National Chemistry Week
H.Con.Res. 259 - Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to raising awareness and enhancing the state of computer security in the United States, and supporting the goals and ideals of National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October 7, 2005:
H.R. 3893-Gasoline for America's Security (GAS) Act

October 6, 2005:
H.R. 2360 - Homeland Security Appropriations Act for FY 2006 Conference Report

October 6, 2005:
H.R. __-Social Services Emergency Relief and Recovery Act

October 6, 2005:
H.R. 3894 Hurricane Katrina Emergency Housing Act of 2005
H.R. 3895 Rural Housing Hurricane Relief Act of 2005
H.R. 3896 Hurricane Katrina Emergency Relief CDBG Flexibility Act of 2005
H.Con.Res. 248 Honoring the life and work of Simon Wiesenthal and reaffirming the commitment of Congress to the fight against anti-Semitism and intolerance in all forms, in all forums, and in all nations

October 6, 2005:
H.Res. 261 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services should be commended for implementing the Medicare demonstration project to assess the quality of care of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, and should extend the project, at least through 2006, subject to any appropriate modifications
S. 1413 A bill to redesignate the Crowne Plaza in Kingston, Jamaica, as the Colin L. Powell Residential Plaza
H.Con.Res. 161 Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for an event to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Million Man March
S. 1786 A bill to authorize the Secretary of Transportation to make emergency airport improvement project grants-in-aid under title 49, United States Code, for repairs and costs related to damage from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
H.Res. 15 Supporting the goals and ideals of National Campus Safety Awareness Month
H.Res. 276 Supporting the goals and ideals of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
H.Con.Res. 59 Recognizing the contributions of African-American basketball teams and players for their achievements, dedication, and contributions to the sport of basketball and to the Nation
H.R. 3439 Ava Gardner Post Office Building Designation Act

Top of Page

September 29, 2005:
H.J.Res. 68 Making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2006
H.R. 3824 Threatened and Endangered Species Recovery Act of 2005

September 29, 2005:
H.R. 3824 Amendments to the Threatened and Endangered Species Recovery Act of 2005

September 28, 2005:
H.R. 3864- Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Act of 2005
H.Res. 388 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the July, 2005, measures of extreme repression on the part of the Cuban Government against members of Cuba's prodemocracy movement, calling for the immediate release of all political prisoners, the legalization of political parties and free elections in Cuba, urging the European Union to reexamine its policy toward Cuba, and calling on the representative of the United States to the 62d session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to ensure a resolution calling upon the Cuban regime to end its human rights violations
H.R. 3200 - Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Enhancement Act of 2005
S. 1752 - To amend the United States Grain Standards Act to reauthorize that Act
H.Con.Res. 178 - Recognizing the need to pursue research into the causes, a treatment, and an eventual cure for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
H.Con.Res. 245 - Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States Supreme Court should speedily find the use of the Pledge of Allegiance in schools to be consistent with the Constitution of the United States

September 28, 2005:
H.R. 3402- Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2006 through 2009

September 27, 2005:
H.R. 3863 Natural Disaster Student Aid Fairness Act
H.J.Res. 66 Supporting the goals and ideals of Lights On Afterschool! , a national celebration of after-school programs
H.R. 3703 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 8501 Philatelic Drive in Spring Hill, Florida, as the Staff Sergeant Michael Schafer Post Office Building
H.R. 2062 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 57 West Street in Newville, Pennsylvania, as the Randall D. Shughart Post Office Building
H.R. 438 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2000 Allston Way in Berkeley, California, as the Maudelle Shirek Post Office Building
H.Con.Res. 209 Supporting the goals and ideals of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

September 22, 2005:
H.R. 2123 School Readiness Act of 2005 (Head Start Reauthorization)

September 21, 2005:
H.R. 3827 Immigration Relief for Hurricane Katrina Victims Act of 2005

September 21, 2005:
H.R. 3768 Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act

September 21, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 242-Providing for acceptance of a statue of Po'Pay, presented by the State of New Mexico, for placement in National Statuary Hall
S. 1368-United States Parole Commission Extension and Sentencing Commission Authority Act
H.R. 3667-Karl Malden Station Post Office Designation Act
H.R. 3767-Jacob L. Frazier Post Office Building Designation Act
H.Res. 429-Congratulating the West Oahu Little League Baseball Team for winning the 2005 Little League Baseball World Series
H.J.Res. 61-Supporting the goals and ideals of Gold Star Mothers Day
H.R. 250 - Manufacturing Technology Competitiveness Act of 2005

September 20, 2005:
H.R. 3761 Flexibility for Displaced Workers Act
H.R. 2132 To extend the waiver authority of the Secretary of Education with respect to student financial assistance during a war on other military operation or national emergency
H.R. 3784 To temporarily extend the programs under the Higher Education Act of 1965
H.R. 3765 To extend through December 31, 2007, the authority of the Secretary of the Army to accept and expend funds contributed by non-Federal public entities to expedite the processing of permits
H.R. 3649 Sportfishing and Recreational Boating Safety Amendments Act of 2006
H.R. 409 Sierra National Forest Land Exchange Act of 2005
S. 1340 A bill to amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act to extend the date after which surplus funds in the wildlife restoration fund become available for apportionment
H.R. 394 To direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a boundary study to evaluate the significance of the Colonel James Barrett Farm in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the suitability and feasibility of its inclusion in the National Park System as part of the Minute Man National Historical Park
H.Res. 441 To congratulate the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the
Discovery crew
H.Res. 450 Recognizing Space Shuttle Commander Eileen Collins, Mission Specialist Wendy Lawrence, and the contributions of all other women who have worked with NASA following the successful mission of Space Shuttle Discovery on STS-114

September 15, 2005:
H.R. 3768-Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act
H.Res. 437 - A resolution to establish the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina
H.R. 889-Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2005

September 14, 2005:
H.R. 3132 Children s Safety Act of 2005

September 14, 2005:
H.R. 3408 - To reauthorize the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999 and to amend the swine reporting provisions of that Act
H.Con.Res. 240 - Supporting the goals and ideals of a national day of prayer and remembrance for the victims of Hurricane Katrina and encouraging all Americans to observe that day
H.Con.Res. 208 - Recognizing the 50th anniversary of Rosa Louise Parks refusal to give up her seat on the bus and the subsequent desegregation of American society
H.R. 3736 - Katrina Volunteer Protection Act of 2005

September 13, 2005:
H.R. 3649 - Sportfishing and Recreational Boating Safety Amendments Act of 2005
S.Con.Res. 26 - A concurrent resolution honoring and memorializing the passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 93
S. 252 - Dandini Research Park Conveyance Act
S. 264 - Hawaii Water Resources Act of 2005
S.276 - Wind Cave National Park Boundary Revision Act of 2005
H.R. 539 - Student Caribbean National Forest Act of 2005

September 8, 2005:
H.R. 3673: The Hurricane Katrina Supplemental for FY05 (Second)

  • FEMA chart detailing the supplemental's funding breakdown

September 8, 2005:
H.R. 3669 National Flood Insurance Program Enhanced Borrowing Authority Act of 2005
H.R. 3668 Student Grant Hurricane and Disaster Relief Act
H.R. 3672 TANF Emergency Response and Recovery Act of 2005
H.Res. 428 Expressing the sincere gratitude of the House of Representatives to the foreign individuals, organizations, and governments that have offered material assistance and other forms of support to those who have been affected by Hurricane Katrina
H.Res. 427 Relating to the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001

September 7, 2005:
H.Res. 423-Honoring and recognizing the distinguished service, career, and achievements of Chief Justice William Hubbs Rehnquist upon his death
H.Res.__- Expressing the condolences of the Nation to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, commending the resiliency of the people of the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, and committing to stand by them in the relief and recovery efforts
H.R. 3650-Federal Judiciary Emergency Special Sessions Act
H.R. 3169-Pell Grant Hurricane and Disaster Relief Act

September 6, 2005:
H.Res. 360 Commemorating the 60th anniversary of V-J Day and the end of World War II in the Pacific
S.J.Res. 19 A joint resolution calling upon the President to issue a proclamation recognizing the 30th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act

September 2, 2005:
H.R. 3645--Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act to Meet Immediate Needs Arising From the Consequences of Hurricane Katrina, 2005

Top of Page
 July 29, 2005:
H.R. 3514-Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2005, Part VI

 July 29, 2005:
H.R. 3-Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (TEA-LU)-Conference Report

 July 28, 2005:
H.R. 6-Energy Policy Act-Conference Report

 July 28, 2005:
H.R. 2361 Interior and Environment Appropriations Act for FY 2006

 July 28, 2005:
H.R. 2985 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 2006

 July 27, 2005:
H.R. 5 Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-Cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act
H.R. 3045 Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement
Implementation Act

 July 27, 2005:
H.R. 3283 - United States Trade Rights Enforcement Act 

July 27, 2005:
H.R. 3204 State High Risk Pool Funding Extension Act of 2005
S. 1395 Controlled Substances Export Reform Act
S. 544 Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005
S. 45 To amend the Controlled Substances Act to lift the patient limitation on prescribing drug addiction treatments by medical practitioners in group practices
H.R. 1132 National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Act of 2005
H.Res. 383 - Encouraging the Transnational Assembly of Iraq to adopt a constitution that grants women equal rights under the law and to work to protect such rights
H.Res. 384 - Condemning in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt on July 23, 2005
H.Res. 378 - Recognizing and honoring the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
H.Con.Res. 216 - Expressing the sense of the Congress that, as Congress observes the 40th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and encourages all Americans to do the same, it will advance the legacy of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by ensuring the continued effectiveness of the Act to protect the voting rights of all Americans
H.Con.Res. 208 - Recognizing the 50th anniversary of Rosa Louise Parks refusal to give up her seat on the bus and the subsequent desegregation of American society
H. Res. 336 - Requesting that the President focus appropriate attention on neighborhood crime prevention and community policing, and coordinate certain Federal efforts to participate in "National Night Out", which occurs the first Tuesday of August each year, including by supporting local efforts and community watch groups and by supporting local officials, to promote community safety and help provide homeland security

July 26, 2005:
H.R. 3283 United States Trade Rights Enforcement Act
H.R. 3200 Servicemembers Group Life Insurance Enhancement Act of 2005
H.R. 525 Small Business Health Fairness Act
H.R. 22 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act

 July 25, 2005:
H.J.Res. 59 Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the establishment of an appropriate day for the commemoration of the women suffragists who fought for and won the right of women to vote in the United States
H.Con.Res. 181 Supporting the goals and ideals of National Life Insurance Awareness Month, and for other purposes
H.Res. 329 Honoring former President William Jefferson Clinton on the occasion of his 59th birthday
H.Res. 289 Supporting the goals and ideals of National Health Center Week in order to raise awareness of health services provided by community, migrant, public housing, and homeless health centers
H.R. 294 Supporting the goals of A Day of Commemoration of the Great Upheaval
H.R. 2977 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 306 2nd Avenue in Brockway, Montana, as the Paul Kasten Post Office Building
H.R. 2894 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 102 South Walters Avenue in Hodgenville, Kentucky, as the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace Post Office Building
S. 904 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1560 Union Valley Road in West Milford, New Jersey, as the Brian P. Parrello Post Office Building
S. 775 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 123 W. 7th Street in Holdenville, Oklahoma, as the Boone Pickens Post Office
S. 571 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1915 Fulton Street in Brooklyn, New York, as the Congresswoman Shirley A. Chisholm Post Office Building
H.R. 3339 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2061 South Park Avenue in Buffalo, New York, as the James T. Molloy Post Office Building
H.R. 1797 Spokane Tribe of Indians of the Spokane Reservation Grand Coulee Dam Equitable Compensation Settlement Act
H.Res.308 Supporting the goals of National Marina Day and urging marinas continue providing environmentally friendly gateways to boating
H.Res. 376 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Federal Trade Commission should investigate the publication of the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas to determine if the publisher intentionally deceived the Entertainment Software Ratings Board to avoid an Adults-Only rating

 July 22, 2005:
H.R. 3070 - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2005

July 21, 2005:
H.R. 3199 USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2005

July 20, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 202 - Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony to honor Constantino Brumidi on the 200th anniversary of his birth.

July 19, 2005:
H.R. 2601-Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2006 and 2007

July 18, 2005:
H.Res. 361 Recognizing the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Veterans Administration on July 21, 1930
H.Res. 326 Calling for free and fair parliamentary elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan
H.Res. 328 Recognizing the 25th anniversary of the workers strikes in Poland in 1980 that led to the establishment of the Solidarity Trade Union
H.Con.Res. 175 Acknowledging African descendants of the transatlantic slave trade in all of the Americas with an emphasis on descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean, recognizing the injustices suffered  by these African descendants, and recommending that the United States and the international community work to improve
the situation of Afro-descendant communities in Latin America and the Caribbean
H.Res. __ Commending the continuing improvement in relations between the United States and the Republic of India

 July 14, 2005:
H.R. 6 Capps Motion to Instruct Conferees on the Energy Policy Act of 2005

 July 13, 2005:
H.R. 2864 Water Resources Development Act 

July 13, 2005:
H.R. 1220 Veterans Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2005
H.R. 2385 To make permanent the authority of the Secretary of Commerce to conduct the quarterly financial report program
H.R. 2113 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2000 McDonough Street in Joliet, Illinois, as the John F. Whiteside Joliet Post Office Building
H.R. 2183 Vincent Palladino Post Office Designation Act
H.R. 2630 J.M. Dietrich Northeast Annex Designation Act
H.R. 3100 East Asia Security Act
H.Con.Res. 191 Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the conclusion of the war in the Pacific and honoring veterans of both the Pacific and Atlantic theaters of the Second World War 

July 12, 2005:
H.R. 804 To exclude from consideration as income certain payments under the national flood insurance program
H.R. 68 To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
H.Res. 352 Providing that the House of Representatives will focus on removing barriers to competitiveness of the United States economy
H.R. 739 Occupational Safety and Health Small Business Day in Court Act
H.R. 740 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Efficiency Act
H.R. 741 Occupational Safety and Health Independent Review of OSHA Citations Act
H.R. 742 Occupational Safety and Health Small Employer Access to Justice Act

 July 11, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 168 Condemning the Democratic People s Republic of Korea for the abductions and continued captivity of citizens of the Republic of Korea and Japan as acts of terrorism and gross violations of human rights
H.Res. 333 Supporting the goals and ideals of a National Weekend of Prayer and Reflection for Darfur, Sudan
H.Res. 343 Commending the State of Kuwait for granting women certain important political rights

Top of Page

 June 30, 2005:
H.R. 3130 - Making supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2005 for veterans medical services

 June 30, 2005:
H.Res. 344-Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that a Chinese state-owned energy company exercising control of critical United States energy infrastructure and energy production capacity could take action that would threaten to impair the national security of the United States
H.Res. 340-Expressing the grave disapproval of the House of Representatives regarding the majority opinion of the Supreme Court in the case of Kelo et al. v. City of New London et al. that nullifies the protections afforded private property owners in the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment
H.R. 3104-Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2005, Part II

 June 29, 2005:
H.R. 3058 Transportation, Treasury, HUD, Judiciary, and District of
Columbia Appropriations Act for FY 2006

 June 29, 2005:
H.R. 3021 TANF Extension Act of 2005

 June 28, 2005:
H.R. 3057 Foreign Operations Appropriations Act for FY 2006

 June 28, 2005:
S. 714 - Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2004

 June 27, 2005:
H.R. 481 - Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Trust Act of 2005
H.R. 1084 To authorize the establishment at Antietam National Battlefield of a memorial to the officers and enlisted men of the Fifth, Sixth, and Ninth New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry Regiments and the First New Hampshire Light Artillery Battery who fought in the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862
H.R. 1428 National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Reauthorization Act of 2005
H.R. 2362 National Geologic Mapping Reauthorization Act of 2005
H.R. 38 - To designate a portion of the White Salmon River as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System
H.R. 1512 - To direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special resources study regarding the suitability and feasibility of designating certain historic buildings and areas in Taunton, Massachusetts, as a unit of the National Park System
H.Con.Res. 188 Honoring the members of the United States Air Force who were killed in the June 25, 1996, terrorist bombing of the Khobar Towers United States military housing compound near Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
H.Res. 199 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the massacre at Srebrenica in July 1995
H.Con.Res. 155 Urging the Government of the Republic of Albania to ensure that the parliamentary elections to be held on July 3, 2005, are conducted in accordance with international standards for free and fair elections

 June 27, 2005:
H.Res. 312 - Recognizing National Homeownership Month and the importance of homeownership in the United States.
H.R. 358 - To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the desegregation of the Little Rock Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.
H.R. 458 Military Personnel Financial Services Protection Act
H.Con.Res. 71 Expressing the sense of Congress that there should be established a Caribbean-American Heritage Month
H.R. 2346 John J. Hainkel Post Office Building Designation Act
H.R. 2490 Mayor Joseph S. Daddona Memorial Post Office Designation Act
H.Con.Res. 152 Commemorating Mystic Seaport: the Museum of America and the Sea in recognition of its 75th year
H.R. 1412 Delaware River Protection Act of 2005

 June 23, 2005:
H.R. 3010 Labor, HHS, Education Appropriations Act for FY 2006

June 22, 2005:
H.J.Res. 10-Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing the Congress to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States

 June 22, 2005:
H.R. 2985 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 2006

June 21, 2005:
H.R. 2475-Intelligence Authorization for Fiscal Year 2006

 June 21, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 180 - To support initiatives developed by the Firefighter Life Safety Summit and the mission of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation and the United States Fire Administration to reduce firefighter fatalities and injuries, to encourage implementation of the new "Everyone Goes Home" campaign to make firefighter safety a national priority, and to support the goals of the national "stand down" called by fire organizations.

 June 21, 2005:
H.Res. 207 - Recognizing the 100th anniversary of FarmHouse Fraternity, Inc.
H.Res 256 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives in remembrance of the brave servicemen who perished in the disastrous April 24, 1980, rescue
H.J.Res. 52 - Approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003.
H.Con.Res. 160 - Recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day, and expressing the sense of Congress that history should be regarded as a means for understanding the past and solving the challenges of the future

 June 20, 2005:
H.R. 2863 Defense Appropriations Act for FY 2006

 June 16, 2005:
H.R. 2745-Henry J. Hyde United Nations Reform Act

 June 16, 2005:
H.R. 2863 Defense Appropriations Act for FY 2006

 June 14-15, 2005:
H.R. 2862 Science, State, Justice, and Commerce Appropriations Act for FY 2006

 June 13, 2005:
H.R. 1812 - Patient Navigator Outreach and Chronic Disease Prevention Act of 2005
S. 643 - To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1987 to reauthorize State mediation programs.
H.Con.Res. 47 Commending the establishment in College Point, New York, of the first
kindergarten in the United States
H.Con.Res.163 Honoring the Sigma Chi Fraternity on the occasion of its 150th Anniversary
H.R. 2326 Floyd Lupton Post Office Designation Act
H.R. 1042 Net Worth Amendment For Credit Unions Act

 June 9, 2005:
H.Res. ___ Expressing the importance of immediately reopening the famous Beartooth All-American Highway from Red Lodge, Montana, to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

 June 9, 2005:
H.R. 2475-Intelligence Authorization for Fiscal Year 2006

 June 9, 2005:
H.J.Res. 27 Withdrawing the approval of the United States from the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization

 June 8, 2005:
H.R. 2744 Agriculture Appropriations Act for FY 2006

 June 8, 2005:
H. Con Res. 159 Recognizing the sacrifices being made by the families of members of the
Armed Forces and supporting the designation of a week as National Military Families Week. 

June 7, 2005:
H.R. 1490 - To amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize the National Defense University to award the degree of Master of Science in Joint Campaign Planning
H.Res. 169 - Recognizing the importance of sun safety
H. Con. Res. 44 Recognizing the historical significance of the Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo
H. Res. 282 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding manifestations of anti-Semitism by United Nations member states and urging action against anti-Semitism by United Nations officials, United Nations member states, and the Government of the United States 

Top of Page

May 26, 2005:
H.R. 2528 Military Quality of Life Appropriations Act for FY 2006

May 25, 2005:
H.R. 2566 -Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2005, Part VI 

May 25, 2005:
H.R. 1815-National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006

May 24, 2005:
H.R. 2419 Energy and Water Appropriations Act for FY 2006

May 24, 2005:
H.R. 2520 Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005 (Smith of New Jersey)
H.R. 810 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005 (Castle) 

May 23, 2005:
1. H.R. 32 - Stop Counterfeiting in Manufactured Goods Act
2. H.R. 744 - Internet Spyware (I-SPY) Prevention Act of 2005
3. H.R. 29 - Securely Protect Yourself Against Cyber Trespass Act
4. H.R. 1499 - Heroes Earned Retirement Opportunities Act
5. H.R. 849 - To provide for the conveyance of certain public land in Clark County, Nevada, for use as a heliport
6. H.R. 1101 - To revoke a Public Land Order with respect to certain lands erroneously included in the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge, California
7. H.R. 606 - Angel Island Immigration Station Restoration and Preservation Act
8. H.R. 2066 - General Services Administration Modernization Act
9. H.Res. 280 - Celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
10. H.R. 1224 - Business Checking Freedom Act of 2005
11. H.Con.Res. 149 - Recognizing the 57th anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel
12. H.Con.Res. 89 - Honoring the life of Sister Dorothy Stang
13. H.Res. 191 - Urging the Government of Romania to recognize its responsibilities to provide equitable, prompt, and fair restitution to all religious communities for property confiscated by the former Communist government in Romania
14. H.Res. 273 - Urging the withdrawal of all Syrian forces from Lebanon, support for free and fair democratic elections in Lebanon, and the development of democratic institutions and safeguards to foster sovereign democratic rule in Lebanon
15. H.Con.Res. 153 - Welcoming His Excellency Hamid Karzai, the President of Afghanistan, on the occasion of his visit to the United States in May 2005 and expressing support for a strong and enduring strategic partnership between the United States and Afghanistan
16. H.Res. 243 - Recognizing the Coast Guard, the Coast Guard Auxiliary, and the National Safe Boating Council for their efforts to promote National Safe Boating Week
17. H.R. 2046 - Servicemembers' Health Insurance Protection Act of 2005

May 19, 2005:
H.R. 2361 - Interior and Environment Appropriations Act for FY 2006

May 18, 2005:
H.R. 1817 Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 May 17, 2005:
H.R. 2360 Homeland Security Appropriations Act for FY 2006 May 16, 2005:
H.R. 540 Newlands Project Headquarters and Maintenance Yard and Facility Transfer Act
H.R. 938 Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area Act

May 16, 2005:
H.R. 627 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 40 Putnam Avenue in Hamden, Connecticut, as the "Linda White-Epps Post Office"
H.R. 1760 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard in Madison, Wisconsin, as the "Robert M. La Follette, Sr. Post Office Building"
H.Res. 266 - Supporting the goals and ideals of Peace Officers Memorial Day
H.R. 1046 To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to contract with the city of Cheyenne, Wyoming, for the storage of the city's water in the Kendrick Project, Wyoming
H.R. 485 Potash Royalty Reduction Act
H.R. 2107 National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Maintenance Fund Act 

May 12, 2005:
H.R. 1544 Amendments to the Faster and Smarter Funding for First Responders Act 

May 12, 2005:
H.R. 1544 Faster and Smarter Funding for First Responders Act 

May 12, 2005:
H.R. 1279 Amendments to the Gang Deterrence and Community Protection Act 

May 11, 2005:
S.Con.Res. 31 Correcting the enrollment of H.R. 1268 

May 11, 2005:
H.R. 1279 - Gang Deterrence and Community Protection Act of 2005

May 10, 2005:
H.R. 1023 Charles Pete Conrad Astronomy Awards Act
H.Res. 193 Expressing support to the organizers and participants of the historic meeting of the Assembly to Promote the Civil Society in Cuba on May 20, 2005, in Havana
H.Res. 142 Supporting the goals and ideals of a Rotary International Day and celebrating and honoring Rotary International on the occasion of its centennial anniversary
H.Con.Res. 86 Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby
H.Con.Res. 135 Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the D.C. Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run
H.Con.Res. 136 Supporting the goals and ideals of Peace Officers Memorial Day 

May 5, 2005:
Policy Brief FY05 Iraq and Tsunami Relief Supplemental (H.R. 1268) 

May 5, 2005:
Immigration Provisions of H.R. 1268 Conference Report on the Emergency Supplemental Wartime Appropriations Act 

May 4, 2005:
Amendments to the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act -H.R. 1185 

May 4, 2005:
H.R. 1082 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 120 East Illinois Avenue in Vinita, Oklahoma, as the "Francis C. Goodpaster Post Office Building"
H.R. 1542 - Honorable Judge George N. Leighton Post Office Building Designation Act
Rule Bills:
H.R. 1185-Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act
H.R. 366 - Vocational and Technical Education for the Future Act 

May 3, 2005:
RSC Policy Brief - H-2B Visas

May 3, 2005:
H.Res. __ Conyers Resolution Raising a Question of the Privileges of the House

May 3, 2005:
H.Res. 218 Congratulating charter schools and their students, parents, teachers, and administrators across the United States for their ongoing contributions to education
H.Res. 216 To honor the late playwright Arthur Miller and the University of Michigan for its intention of building a theatre in his name
H.Res. 228 - Honoring the contributions of Vietnamese Americans to American Society over the past three decades
H.Con.Res. 127 - Calling on the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to transfer Charles Ghankay Taylor, former President of the Republic of Liberia, to the Special Court for Sierra Leone to be tried for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other serious violations of international humanitarian law
H.Res. 233 Recognizing the 60th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day during World War II
H.Res. 195 Recognizing the 60th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day and the Liberation of Western Bohemia. 

Top of Page

April 28, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 95 Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2006

April 27, 2005:
H.Res. 240-Amending the rules of the House of Representatives to reinstate
certain provisions of the rules relating to procedures of the Committee on
Standards of Official Conduct to the form in which those provisions existed
at the close of the 108th Congress 

April 27, 2005:
H.R. 748 Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act 

April 27, 2005:
H.Res. 224 - Providing for the expenses of certain committees of the House of Representatives in the One Hundred and Ninth Congress
H.Res. 210 - Supporting the goals of World Intellectual Property Day, and recognizing the importance of intellectual property in the United States and worldwide
H.Res. 22 - Expressing the Sense of the House that American small businesses are entitled to a small business bill of rights 

April 26, 2005:
Spratt Motion to Instruct Conferees on H. Con. Res. 95 the FY06 Budget Resolution

April 26, 2005:
H.R. 1158 To reauthorize the Steel and Aluminum Energy Conservation and Technology Competitiveness Act of 1988
H.R. 28 High-Performance Computing Revitalization Act
H. Con. Res. 96 Recognizing the significance of African American women in the United States scientific community
H.Con.Res. 41 Recognizing the second century of Big Brothers Big Sisters, and supporting the mission and goals of the organization
H.Res. 227 Recognizing and honoring the contributions of American Indians to economic innovations and society
H.R. 1236 Mayor Tony Armstrong Memorial Post Office Designation Act
H.R. 1524 Ed Eilert Post Office Building Designation Act
H.R. 902 Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005
H.R. 749 Expanded Access to Financial Services Act of 2005
H. Con. Res. 81 Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the two-year anniversary of the human rights crackdown in Cuba

April 21, 2005:
Amendments to the Energy Policy Act-H.R. 6

April 20, 2005:
H.R. 6-Energy Policy Act 

April 20, 2005:
H.R. 504 - Ray Charles Post Office Building Designation Act
H.R. 1001 - Sergeant Byron W. Norwood Post Office Building Designation Act
H.Res. 184 - Recognizing a National Week of Hope in commemoration of the 10-year anniversary of the terrorist bombing in Oklahoma City
H.R. 1072 - Judge Emilio Vargas Post Office Building Designation Act
H.Res. 130- Recognizing the contributions of environmental systems and the technicians who install and maintain them to the quality of life of all Americans and supporting the goals and ideals of National Indoor Comfort Week
H.Con.Res. 126 - Expressing the condolences and deepest sympathies of the Congress in the aftermath of the recent school shooting at Red Lake High School in Red Lake, Minnesota
H.Res. 208 Recognizing the University of Pittsburgh and Dr. Jonas Salk on the fiftieth anniversary of the milestone discovery of the Salk polio vaccine, which has virtually eliminated the disease and its harmful effects 

April 19, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 53 - Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the issuance of the 500,000th design patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office
S. 167 - Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2005
H.R. 1038 - Multidistrict Litigation Restoration Act
H.R. 683 - Trademark Dilution Revision Act
H.J.Res. 19 - Providing for the appointment of Shirley Ann Jackson as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institute
H.J.Res. 20 - Providing for the appointment of Robert P. Kogod as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institute

April 14, 2005:
S. 256- Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act 

April 13, 2005:
H.R. 1463-Justin W. Williams United States Attorney's Building Designation Act
H.R. 483-Reynaldo G. Garza and Filemon B. Vela United States Courthouse Designation Act
H.R. 787- Robert T. Matsui United States Courthouse Designation Act
H.R. 8-Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act 

April 12, 2005:
H.R. 135-Twenty-First Century Water Commission Act of 2005
H.R. 482- Pine Springs Land Exchange Act
H.R. 541-To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain land to Lander County, Nevada, and the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain land to Eureka County, Nevada, for continued use as cemeteries
H.R. 18-Southern California Remediation Act
H.R. 794-Colorado River Indian Reservation Boundary Correction Act 

April 6, 2005:
H.R. 1077-Realtime Investor Protection Act
H.R. 1025-Mortgage Servicing Clarification Act
H.R. 436-Increased Capital Access for Growing Business Act
H.R. 797-Native American Housing Enhancement Act
H.Res. 148-Supporting the Goals and Ideals of Financial Literacy Month
H.R. 1460-Captain Mark Stubenhofer Post Office Designation Act
H.Res. 188-Recognizing and honoring firefighters for their many contributions throughout the history of the Nation
H.Res. __-Honoring the life and achievements of His Holiness Pope John Paul II and expressing profound sorrow on his death 

April 5, 2005:
H.Res. 108-Commemorating the life of the late Zurab Zhvania, Prime Minister of the Republic of Georgia
H.Res. 120-Commending the outstanding efforts by members of the Armed Forces and civilian employees of the Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development in response to the eathquake and tsunami of December 26, 2004
H.Con.Res. 34-Honoring the life and contributions of Yogi Bhajan, a leader of Sikhs, and expressing Condolences to the Sikh community on his passing

Top of Page

March 17, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 95 -- Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2006 

March 16, 2005:
H.R. 1332 Protection of Incapacitated Persons Act of 2005 

March 16, 2005:
H.R. 1270-To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund financing rate
H.Con.Res. 98-Expressing the grave concern of Congress regarding the recent passage of the antisecession law by the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China
H.Con.Res. 32-Expressing the grave concern of Congress regarding the occupation of the Republic of Lebanon by the Syrian Arab Republic
H.Con.Res. 18-Expressing the grave concern of Congress regarding the continuing gross violations of human rights and civil liberties of the Syrian and Lebanese people by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic

March 16, 2005:
Additional Amendments to the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations
Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005
(H.R. 1268) 

March 15, 2005:
Amendments to the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act
for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005
(H.R. 1268) 

March 14, 2005:
H.R. 584-Department of the Interior Volunteer Recruitment Act 

March 14, 2005:
Policy Brief - FY05 Iraq and Tsunami Relief Supplemental 

March 14, 2005:
H.R. 126-To amend Public Law 89-366 to allow for an adjustment in the number of free roaming horses permitted in Cape Lookout National Seashore
H.R. 186 - Llagas Reclamation Groundwater Remediation Initiative
H.R. 486 -To provide for a land exchange involving private land and Bureau of Land Management land in the vicinity of Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, for the purpose of removing private land from the required safety zone surrounding munitions storage bunkers at Holloman Air Force Base
H.R. 585 - Gateway Communities Cooperation Act
H.R. 680-To direct the Secretary of Interior to convey certain land held in trust for the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah to the City of Richfield, Utah
H.R. 816-Nevada National Forest Land Disposal Act
H.R. 62-To create the Office of Chief Financial Officer of the Government of the Virgin Islands
H.R. 412-Western Reserve Heritage Areas Study Act
H.R. 694-Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Act
H.R. 1160 - To reauthorize the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant program through March 31, 2005
H.R.1134 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the proper tax treatment of certain disaster mitigation payments
H.Res. 135-Providing for the establishment of a commission in the House of Representatives to assist parliaments in emerging democracies
H.Res. 101-Urging the European Union to add Hezbollah to the European Union's wide-ranging list of terrorist organizations
S. 384 - To extend the existence of the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group for 2 years 
March 9, 2005:
H.R. 3-More Amendments to the Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (TEA-LU) 

March 9, 2005:
H.R. 3-Amendments to the Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (TEA-LU) 

March 9, 2005:
H.Res. 41 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that a day should be established as "National Tartan Day" to recognize the outstanding achievements and contributions made by Scottish Americans to the United States
H.Res. 119 - Recognizing the contributions of the United States Marine Corps and other units of the United States Armed Forces on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War II
H.R. 3-Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (TEA-LU) 

March 8, 2005:
H.Res. 133 - Providing amounts from the applicable accounts of the House of Representatives for continuing expenses of standing and select committees of the House from April 1, 2005, through April 30, 2005 (as amended)
H.Res. 122 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the study of languages and supporting the designation of a Year of Languages
H.Res. 16 - Supporting the goals of National Manufacturing Week, congratulating manufacturers and their employees for their contributions growth and innovation, and recognizing the challenges facing the manufacturing sector 

March 3, 2005:
H.R. 841-Continuity in Representation Act 

March 2, 2005:
Amendments to H.R. 27-Job Training Improvement Act of 2005 

March 2, 2005:
H.R. 27-Job Training Improvement Act of 2005 

March 2, 2005:
S.Con.Res. 13 - Congratulating ASME on their 125th anniversary, celebrating the achievements of ASME members, and expressing the gratitude of the American people for ASME's contributions
H.R. 912-To ensure the protection of beneficiaries of United States humanitarian assistance 

March 1, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 5 - Providing for the acceptance of a statue of Sarah Winnemucca, presented by the people of Nevada, for placement in National Statuary Hall, and for other purposes (Gibbons)
H.Con.Res. 63 - Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust
H.Con.Res. 45 - Recognizing the benefits and importance of school-based music education, and for other purposes
H.Res. __ - Honoring Jewish students and teachers on their seven year completion of the 11th cycle of the daily study of the Talmud 

Top of Page

February 17, 2005:
H.Con.Res.67 - Honoring the soldiers of the Army's Black Corps of Engineers for their contributions in constructing the Alaska-Canada highway during World War II and recognizing the importance of these contributions to the subsequent integration of the military 

February 17, 2005:
S. 5 Class Action Fairness Act 

February 16, 2005:
H.Res. 91-Honoring the life and legacy of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri
H.J.Res. 18-Recognizing the historic commitment of the U.S. to the recovery of and full accounting for Americans who are prisoners of war or in a missing status 

February 16, 2005:
H.R. 310 Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005 

February 15, 2005:
H.Res. 80-Commending Fire Chiefs Associations

February 15, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 25 Recognizing the contributions of Jibreel Khazan (Ezell Blair, Jr.), David
Richmond, Joseph McNeil, and Franklin McCain, the Greensboro Four, to the civil rights
H.R. 324 Arthur Stacey Mastrapa Post Office Designation Act
H.Res. 86 Congratulating the Patriots on Winning Super Bowl XXXIX 

February 10, 2005:
H.R. 418-REAL ID Act    (Continuing Consideration) 

February 9, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 6 - Expressing the sense of the Congress that the Department of Defense should continue to exercise its statutory authority to support the activities of the Boy Scouts of America, in particular the periodic national and world Boy Scout Jamborees H.Con.Res. 26 - Honoring the Tuskegee Airmen for their bravery in fighting for our freedom in World War II, and for their contribution in creating an integrated United States Air Force
H.Con.Res. 30 - Supporting the goals and ideals of National Black HIV/Aids Awareness Day -As Amended
H.Res. 69 - Honoring the life and accomplishments of the late Ossie Davis
H.R. 418

February 8, 2005:
H.Res. 46-Supporting the goals and ideals of National Mentoring Month
H.R. 315-John Milton Bryan Simpson United States Courthouse Designation Act
H.R. 548
-Tony Hall Federal Building and United States Courthouse Designation Act 

February 2, 2005:
H.Res.56 Commending the Palestinian people for conducting a free and fair presidential election on January 9, 2005
H.Res.57 Urging the European Union to maintain its arms embargo on the People s Republic of China
H.Res.60 Relating to the free election in Iraq held on January 30, 2005
H.Con.Res. 36 Expressing the continued support of Congress for equal access of military recruiters to institutions of higher education 

February 1, 2005:
H.Res. 23 - Honoring the contributions of Catholic schools
H.R. 120-Dalip Singh Saund Post Office Building Designation Act
H.R. 289-Staff Sergeant First Class John Marshall Post Office Building Designation Act 

Top of Page

January 26, 2005:
H.R. 54 - Congressional Gold Medal Enhancement Act of 2005 

January 25, 2005:
H.Con.Res. 16-Congratulating the people of Ukraine for conducting a democratic, transparent, and fair runoff presidential election on December 26, 2004, and congratulating Viktor Yushchenko on his election as President of Ukraine and his commitment to democracy and reform
H.Res. __-Commending countries and organizations for marking the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and urging a strengthening of the fight against racism, intolerance, bigotry, prejudice, discrimination, and anti-Semitism 

January 4, 2005:
H.Res. 5 - Adopting Rules for the One Hundred Ninth Congress 

January 3, 2005:
The RSC released a Policy Brief on the House Rules Package (and the RSC amendments thereto) under consideration at the GOP Conference meeting. 
9-11 Recommendations Implementation Act

The RSC updated its document summarizing some differences between the version of the bill that passed the House on October 8, 2004, and the final version that was agreed to by the Conference Committee and brought to the House floor last week. 

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