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Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit

June 27, 2003

Mr. President, I rise today to speak on S. 1, the Prescription Drug and Medicare Improvement Act of 2003.

For far too long Medicare has lacked a prescription drug benefit. The lack of this benefit has been the gaping hole in the Medicare safety net. Prescription drugs are the largest out-of-pocket health care cost for seniors. Many who cannot afford drug coverage often break the drugs in half, skip doses, or do not fill their prescriptions.

The legislation the Senate passed last night will finally establish a benefit. I supported this bill because it is an important step forward in meeting the prescription drug needs of seniors. However, I am particularly concerned that the bill provides insufficient prescription drug coverage for seniors and depends excessively on private plans.

Medicare beneficiaries will experience a gap in their prescription drug coverage after their drug expenditures reach $4,500. They will not receive any benefits until their total drug expenditures reach at least $5,813 unless they qualify for the additional low-income support. This gap in coverage will occur while they are still paying premiums. It is unfortunate that amendments designed to fill in the gap were defeated. This issue must be revisited in the future. Also, the eligibility requirements for the additional low-income support are too restrictive and will deny many seniors in need the extra help that they need.

The dependence on private insurers to administer this benefit presents additional challenges to providing seniors with access to prescription drugs. Prescription drug-only insurance policies are currently not offered and they will need to be developed. The utilization of private plans creates a system in which insurers have incentives to limit access to needed drugs. In addition, the premiums that seniors pay for coverage are likely to vary depending on what region people live in. It is not equitable for a federal benefit to have different prices across the country. Seniors should have the option of choosing a Medicare-administered plan instead of one that is run by a private insurer.

It is unfortunate that amendments to strengthen the prescription drug coverage and to provide seniors with an option to enroll in a Medicare administered plan were defeated. I look forward to continue working with my colleagues to address these important issues to improve the Medicare prescription drug benefit.

Again, Mr. President, I supported this bill because it is an important step towards providing much needed prescription drug coverage for seniors. Also, I am pleased that my amendment to restore a Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (DSH) allotment for Hawaii was adopted. This amendment is vital to Hawaii's hospitals which are struggling to meet the elevated demands placed upon them by the increasing number of uninsured patients. DSH payments will help Hawaii hospitals meet the rising health care needs of our communities. I hope that this provision is retained in conference.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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June 2003

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