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Welcome to the SAMHSA News Web page. Each issue offers updates and
information on Agency campaigns and initiatives, grants, data on drug
and alcohol abuse, treatment updates, and new publications.

Current Issues: 2008

Archives: 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002

2008 – Volume 16
  July/August 2008
Vol 16, No 4
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View HTML Volume 16, Number 4, July/August 2008

Inside This Issue
Homelessness Services: Web 2.0 Connects Providers Online
   What Is Web 2.0?
   Homelessness Initiatives
Returning Veterans
   National Guard Focuses on Mental Health, Substance Abuse
   Vets Suicide Hotline Helps 55,000+ in First Year
HHS Secretary Taps Administrator for New Post
Administrator’s Message: Continuing Commitment
to a Healthy Future
Recovery Month: Communities Gear Up for September Events
Update: Directory of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Programs
Discharges from Treatment: Latest Report Released
Strategies To Sustain Community Programs
Teens and Substance Use
   Parent Awareness of Youth Substance Abuse Varies
   Underage Drinking: What Parents Need To Know
   Synar Report: Tobacco Sales to Minors at All-Time Low
Smoke-Free Conference Policy
About SAMHSA News
  May/June 2008
Vol 16, No 3
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View HTML Volume 16, Number 3, May/June 2008

Inside This Issue
Helping Young Offenders Return to Communities
   What Works?
   Grantees List
Administrator’s Message: Reducing Recidivism
New CSAP Director Named
Veterans Conference Coming Soon
Millions Are Driving Under the Influence
Underage Drinking
   Communities Take Action
   National Report on Underage Drinking
   Alcohol & Youth: Frequency of Use
Promoting the Well-Being of Arab and Muslim Youth
   Joining Together
   Preventing and Treating Substance Abuse
   Refugee Experience
   Domestic Violence
2008 Recovery Month Toolkit Available
Honoring Accuracy in Television, Film
   PRISM Awards
   Voice Awards
Children’s Mental Health Day
Depression: For Teens, Many Days Down
Staff in the News: Women’s Committee Adds Nine New Members
Guest Speaker: Filmmaker Presents Behind Closed Doors
About SAMHSA News
March/April 2008
Vol 16, No 2
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View HTML Volume 16, Number 2, March/April 2008

Inside This Issue
Screening Works: Update from the Field
   About SBIRT
   SBIRT Funding Opportunity
   SBIRT Resources
Screening in Action
   Alaska’s SBIRT Program
   SBIRT on a College Campus
   SBIRT Grantees List
Administrator’s Message
Funding Opportunities
President’s Budget Focuses on Priority Initiatives
Making Workplaces Drug-Free: Toolkit Available
Teens and Drug Use
   Stimulant Use and Delinquent Behavior
   Inhalants Used Most by Young Teens
State-by-State Report
Treatment Admissions Data Released
Rural Issues: The Substance Use Myth
Katrina, Rita: Hurricane Impact
Guest Speaker: Psychiatric Service Dogs Help
Community Prevention Day
About SAMHSA News
January/February 2008
Vol 16, No 1
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View HTML Volume 16, Number 1, January/February 2008

Inside This Issue
Veterans & Their Families: A SAMHSA Priority
   Resources for Veterans
   Statistics: Short Report
   Administrator’s Message: Enhancing Services for Returning Veterans
Grant Funding Opportunities
Science and Service Awards: Call for Entries
Recovery Month 2008 Online
FASD Resources
   Juvenile Justice Professionals
   For Teachers
Teen Substance Abuse
   Combating Teen Prescription Drug Abuse
   Decline in Illicit Drug Use by 8th Graders
   Millions of Youth Misusing Cough, Cold Medicines
Integrating Hepatitis Services
Medicaid & Mental Health Services: State by State
New Data on Treatment Facilities: N-SSATS
SAMHSA National Advisory Council: New Members
Staff in the News
   Delany Named New OAS Director
   President's Volunteer Service Awards
Criminal Justice & Treatment Brochure: Spanish
About SAMHSA News
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Current Issues: 2008

Archives: 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002