Quartermaster Professional Bulletin
'Voice of the Corps'

Through the Eyes of a. . . . .


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Current Issue   

Spring 2008

Korean War Commemorative Edition  Spring 2000


The Quartermaster Professional Bulletin is published quarterly by the US Army Quartermaster Center and School, Fort Lee, VA 23801-1601. The views expressed herein are those of the authors, not the Department of Defense or its elements. The content does not necessarily reflect the official US army position and does not change or supersede any information in other US publication. Use of news items constitute neither affirmation of their accuracy nor product endorsement. This professional bulletin is approved for official dissemination of material designed to keep Quartermasters knowledgeable of current and emerging development to enhance their professional development.

The Quartermaster Professional Bulletin's mission is to publish quarterly reviews of doctrine, training, operational support, career development and future concepts within the Quartermaster Corps to keep soldiers up-to-date on current and emerging doctrinal actions to enhance their professional development. The quarterly training publication concentrates on information for which the US Army Quartermaster Center and School has proponency in the areas of logistics, supply, food services, petroleum and water distribution, laundry and shower operations, fabric repair, mortuary affairs, and rigging supplies for airdrop.


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The Quartermaster Professional Bulletin publishes quarterly reviews of doctrine, training, operational support, career development and future concepts within the Quartermaster Corps to keep soldiers up-to-date on current and emerging doctrinal actions to enhance their professional development. The quarterly training publication concentrates on information for which the US Army Quartermaster Center and School has proponency in the areas of logistics, supply, food services, petroleum and water distribution, laundry and shower operations, fabric repair, mortuary affairs, and aerial delivery.


Soldier Drinking Water from Canteen
