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@atomicbooks That Overheard is my favorite of ever.
Watching @mykelnahorniak hook up Netflix streaming to his TV, and batting my eyelashes.
All of a sudden, I really miss Hawaii. I can think of about eight triggers today.
@dansinker I am only following them on my work account. Gotta compartmentalize.
This headline makes me laugh and laugh: "Taser Death Suit Decision Reversed." I don't want to wear the Taser death suit anymore! Noo!
@charmcitygavin I love that dried fruit! I was going to recommend berry Cheerios for that reason.
Recap is up from last night's "Top Chef" - extra long ep, extra work for @baltamourian, who did the heavy lifting.
"Top Chef" time! @BravoTopChef Spike is going nuts on Twitter tonight.
@samtaters @GusSent I loved it when I was younger, too, when it came out. Now, much later, it only makes me laugh THAT he thinks it's funny.
@GusSent OMG. Ace Venture is Myke's favorite. He quotes it often. I don't understand it -- Canadian thing?
@charmcitygavin I love that you crowdsourced your grocery list. What did you end up getting?
@sidereal_ Green cauliflower? That sounds like another familiar veggie!
@sweetney Shazam, Pandora, Simplify Media. And you gotta have Facebook and Twitterfon.
@sidereal_ Success! @mykelnahorniak says they're buttery, but I think they just taste like potatoes. Good idea for kids!
@MediaTricks Understood. We're all still learning.
@MediaTricks I'm still not sure it has to be an either/or thing -- feed or personal tweets. Yes, push for a human, but feeds aren't all bad.


Maggie Mason Aaron Gotwalt Peter Clough Joshua Green Allen Jimmy Rob Blatt hotdogsladies Rocky Andy Carvin Ayon J. Rahman Twitter Aaron Brazell Scott Karp Tim Windsor Laurie White John Cass Etan Horowitz Jason Kottke Jeff Jarvis deb Catharine Robertson Photojojo David Beaudouin Greg Gershman supa Chris Krewson steve lyon John Dickerson Mediabistro Dave Troy Amy Gahran Dooce Jeff Quinton Katie Dreke Neil Kramer Whoorl
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