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The Cover photo of the November-December 2008 issue of Army Logistician shows Soldiers of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command's 39th Transportation Battalion Movement Control Team preparing and inspecting 463L pallets of humanitarian supplies for the Operation Assured Delivery that occurred in August 2008.  Medical logisticians were not involved in this effort.  We apologize for the error.

Cover: In the current operating environment, Army logistics units are often required to fill force protection roles in addition to their traditional missions. On the cover, the 104th Transportation Company, 927th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB), conducts a convoy security operation near Contingency Operating Base Speicher in northern Iraq. The 927th CSSB was attached to the 3d Sustainment Brigade in support of Multi-National Division-North. The articles on pages 8 through 35 highlight the 3d Sustainment Brigade's diverse missions while it was deployed to Iraq as a completely modular sustainment brigade.

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