Head-and-shoulders photograph of Congressman Tanner
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Wide view of U.S. Capitol Building with foreground image of the Seal of the State of Tennessee


Tanner Elected President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Tanner Helps Protect Small Businesses and Families Struggling in Economic Crisis

Tanner Helps House Pass Historic Energy Bill

Tanner Disturbed by Report of Iraqi Oil Surpluses While U.S. Funds Iraqi Infrastructure Projects

Tanner Praises Supreme Court Ruling Upholding Second Amendment Rights

Tanner Helps House Pass AMT Relief for More than 26,000 8th District Taxpayers

Tanner Leads NATO Delegation to Germany, Turkey, Afghanistan; Meets with Gen. Petraeus

House Honors 101st Airborne Div.

Q&A: Digital TV Conversion

Watch Tanner's Floor Speech
(Oct. 2, 2007)

28 Members Sign Bipartisan Compact on Iraq Debate
Read More | View the Compact

Tanner Helps Launch Video Game on Redistricting Reform
Read More | Play the Game

Northwest Tennessee Port to Become Reality -- 5,600 New Jobs

The national debt on January 02:     $10,701,871,417,928.18
Your share of the national debt:     $35,026.09

Watch speech | Read more
"They have placed the largest adjustable-rate mortgage on the American people in the history of mankind." (Dec. 19, 2007)

Helping Homeowners
Keep Their Homes

Fact Sheet: Tanner Warns Colleagues on National Debt

Commission Needed to Study Reforms to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security

Tanner and Blue Dogs Demand Fiscal Accountability on Iraq

Tanner Questions Treasury Sec. on U.S. Debt to Foreign Investors

New Congress Committed
to Fixing Broken Budget

Watch More Floor Speeches

Other Countries Buying Our Debt

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