Joe Biden, U.S. Senator for Delaware

Excerpts from the Commencement Address at the Wilmington Police Academy Graduation

June 27, 2008

Excerpts from the Commencement Address at the Wilmington Police Academy Graduation
By Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Wilmington, Delaware
June 27, 2008

“Congratulations. You’re about to stand up here and raise your right hand and swear to protect and defend the citizens of this city.  Congratulations not only for having the ability to get through the class, but for having the courage to be willing to take on this job.”  

"I have spent more of my time dealing with law enforcement officers than anything I've ever done in my career, and I'm most proud of it.  I've been to many graduation ceremonies, mostly here in the state of Delaware.   Our thanks first go to the parents.  Thank you for raising women and men who have the character and the determination to serve.  This recruit class you see in front of you – they’re about to put on a shield to swear to protect and defend the citizens of this city – these are people who are doing it because in their hearts, they really want to make things better."

“Ladies and gentlemen, these guys are about to make a pledge to you and the citizens of this city.  I also will make a pledge to you: that as long as I have one, single miniscule ability to influence events, I will do everything in my power to see that these police men and women are equipped, protected and have all the technology they need to do their job.  Because ladies and gentlemen, we talk about the role of government.  There is one fundamental role the government has, the most basic of all, and that is to protect society.  The only scared obligation we have as a nation is to protect those we send into harm’s way and to care for them and their families.”

“We ask so much of them, so they deserve the absolute best equipment, the absolute best back-up, the absolute best conditions in which to work.  We also need more police.  A police department in Wilmington with 150 of the best cops in the world is not as good as a police department in Wilmington with 350 cops because you can’t cover as much.  That’s why I’ve spent my whole career getting more cops, getting better equipment, getting more personal protection from vests to automobiles to weapons. This is a matter of not only your safety, but their safety as well.”
“I think of you, graduates today, as the most talented, most courageous group of young Americans. We owe you.  I know you’ll keep your promise to keep us safe, and I promise I’ll keep mine to keep you safe.  Congratulations.”

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