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Just posted this, on Blago of Chicago:
The Republican Comeback, Pt. 1:
Posted this take on the proposed auto bailout for Politico's "Arena" section just now:
Jack wrote a whole book on the House GOP way back when. Everything old is...
Reading Jack Pitney's take on outnumbered GOPers in California.
Heard Michael Reagan at the Reagan Alumni Assoc. Heritage Fdn tonight. He has the same sense of humor, and sense of purpose, as RR.
My response to the question of Chris Matthews running for the Senate, in Politico's "Arena" section:
"Throw a TARP on Hank Paulson — The Treasury Secretary Should Go, Now"--
Re: "Frost/Nixon," and Peter Morgan's argument that villains (or perceived villains) are more fun--who will get the future "get" on Cheney?
Asserts that Bush was the "Decider in Chief" when he wanted to be, but that Cheney nonetheless made some decisions on his own w/o asking.
I am at the New America Foundation here in DC, listening to Bart Gellman talk about his new book on Dick Cheney, "Angler."
I also just reconciled my Twitter name with my blog name--and, come to think of it, my driver's license: James P. Pinkerton
Oh, and Rob Long, too -- where are you now, Rob?
Just embedded the Twitter widget into my blog, which is Matt Lewis was right--Twitter is extremely cool.
Just put up "Chris Wallace in the Liberal Lion's Den," a report on the "Frost/Nixon" showing here in DC. Posted at
Yeah, that's a good point. It seems to me, though, that the trick here is to make it automated somehow
I am still puzzling over the upside of this. And I see that I have 24 folks following me. I mean, I am flattered and everything, but...
reintroducing myself to Twitter -- does anybody read this stuff?
looking for Rob Long's profile He shamed me into it.
trying to upload a picture to the twitter site


Rob Bluey Rob Long Phil Kerpen Choire Hussein Sicha ellenratner rachelsklar kdarnay ewinterb7 Saul Anuzis benrosen hoythudson Robert A George lawasserman amingardi AmaterasuHeika chuckdefeo DavidCornDC cmschroed partygrrl thirdwave2 fbarbash TechPlumber ejistook dangerstein GeyerWDybesland AudreyMullen Kelly William Cobb GroverNorquist TimothyPCarney SCClemons GeneHealy MarkHyman alexcast RickLeventhal CarolineAlexaMcBride