Electronic Reference Linda Johnson University of New Hampshire Depository Library Conference October 21, 2002 Introduction * History * Why * Survey Results * How * Email * Live Chat Introduction, continued * Checklist * Advantages/Disadvantages * Future * Bibliography History * Personal email * Ask Jeeves * Ask a Librarian Why * More & more information in electronic form * User expectations of using the internet to answer questions * Fewer users coming into the library * 24/7 culture * Distance education Survey * GovDoc-L query * "Ask a Librarian" * General reference * Offering for some time * Not overwhelmed * Questions often about archives or genealogy How * Personal email * Email * Live Chat * Software designed or adapted for electronic reference University of New Hampshire * Recent service * Replace department hours ? * Checklist * Advantages * Disadvantages Future * Publicize * Evaluate * Expand or adjust * Live chat?