United States Senator
Orrin G. Hatch
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Sen. Hatch examines the F/A-22 Raptor, a next-generation fighter and attack aircraft that will be maintained at Hill Air Force Base (HAFB) at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia on Feb. 14, 2005.

F/A-22 Raptor and OGH
Sen. Hatch examines the F/A-22 Raptor, a next-generation fighter and attack aircraft that will be maintained at Hill Air Force Base (HAFB) at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia on Feb. 14, 2005.

Please select a photo album:
Diplomatic Service
Images from some of Sen. Hatch's trips abroad on Senate business, including in 1990 to Eastern Europe and in 2006 to Iraq to support launching of the country's new government.
Total: 20 Photos
Updated on: Nov 6, 2006

Meeting with Constituents
Photos of constituents who have met with Senator Hatch in his DC or Utah offices.
Total: 111 Photos
Updated on:

Life in the Senate
Images from Senator Hatch's career in public service for Utah.
Total: 112 Photos
Updated on: Oct 18, 2007

Religious Leaders
Senator Hatch visiting with religious leaders throughout the world.
Total: 6 Photos
Updated on:

Early Life and Family
Images from Senator Hatch's youth and his family.
Total: 12 Photos
Updated on: Nov 1, 2006

Official Photo
Total: 1 Photo
Updated on: Nov 21, 2006

Photos are available for press use. Appropriate citation is "Photo courtesy of Sen. Orrin Hatch"