NYC's Tekserve Holding 3rd Annual e-Waste Recycling Event

by Jaymi Heimbuch, San Francisco, California on 01. 2.09
Science & Technology (electronics)

cart of electronics in parking lot photo
Photo via D'Arcy Norman

If you received new gadgets during the holiday and are wondering what to do with your old devices, Tekserve and the Lower East Side Ecology Center are providing a solution.

Gather up your old gadgets, your friends, family, and all their old gadgets, and head to 119 West 23rd Street to Tekserve's retail store on January 10th. From 10 AM to 4 PM, they'll be collecting electronics for proper recycling in an effort to keep hazardous materials out of landfills. Plus, there will be prizes!

To celebrate the event, anyone bringing electronics to be recycled can register at Tekserve for a raffle to win a new aluminum MacBook or one of three 16GB iPod nanos. All participants in the event will also receive a coupon for a $25 discount on any new current model iPod (except shuffle) or computer purchased within 30 days after the event.

So grab computers, monitors, fax machines, copiers, DVD or VCRs, radios, telephones and cell phones, TVs, cameras, and stereo equipment, and if you're dead set on not reselling it and keeping it in the loop, then head down to this cool Saturday event.

For more information visit or call 212.929.3645. The Lower East Side Ecology Center has been active in educating and promoting environmental initiatives since 1987. For more information on what LESEC does and how you can be involved call 212.477.4022 or visit the website:

This is one of many e-waste events happening in 2009 that we'll let you know about here on TreeHugger, but you can also check out events happening in your local area by visiting the EPA's website where many resources for local dorp-offs can be found.

Via Press Release

More on Tekserve's events:
NYC Electronic Waste Recycling Event April 26 - 28, 2008 -- Win a MacBook Air!
Big Apple First US City to Require Electronics Recycling
MacBook Pro 15" Screens Now Mercury-Free LED, but 17" a No-Go + Tekserve Recycles E-Waste June 16-18

Comments (3)

This is such a fantastic idea... we need events like this in the UK.

Companies like Umicore in Belgium have devised the technology to extract metals out of electronic scrap, recycle and reuse them safely and they do this for several Japanese and Chinese electronic manufacturers. How difficult would it be for the USA - the world's most technologucally advanced nation - to do this locally? I do know that several US companies and NGOs send electronic scrap all the way to Belgium for processing after collecting it here. Or, maybe, the Federal Government or one of the states could offer Umicore some incentives for setting a plant up here to do this? This country does have more e-waste than any other in the world, beyoind any doubt, and it could do a lot of good by recycling it in an efficient manner over here itself.

jump to top mehulkamdar [TypeKey Profile Page] says:

I wouldn't go as far as to say the USA is the world's most 'technologically advanced nation', that's very debatable.

jump to top Michael says:

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